Re: [TO TEST] [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

by crinrict

Original Post

Accepted Solution

[FIXED] [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? Deutsch
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? EP: Get to Work, Get Together, City Living but not installed, Cats and Dogs, Seasons, GP: Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Vampires, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, SP: Luxury Party Stuff, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Spooky Stuff, Movie Hangout Stuff, Backyard Stuff, Vintage Glamour Stuff, Fitness Stuff, Laundry Day Stuff, My First Pet Stuff,
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Create a Household. Make sinks, toilets and dishes dirty. Add plants and don't take care of them. Hire a Butler and play the household for a while.
What happens when the bug occurs? He is not doing his job as good as before the seasons patch. He mainly just stand there or sit down reading. Butler became pretty useless since Patchy is in game.
What do you expect to see? A fix - A useful Butler again.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Since the Season patch Patchy is doing more housework than Butlers. I love Patchy, but I love my Butler, too :P


Message 1 of 25 (5,514 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: [OPEN] [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again


Addressed several issues that caused the butler to fail to perform their assigned tasks.

Fixed in Patch 1.59.73



I hope this fixes most things. If you still have issues, please create a new thread for this. 

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 25 of 25 (5,098 Views)

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Re: [TO TEST] [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

★ Pro
Here we go again.
Since the latest patch my Butler got replaced again while my Sims was at work. F-Sim owns a Vet Clinic, and when she came back, a new Butler came. I have the same customised Butler since Vintage came out, and I was very happy after the Butler Bug was once fixed. And since Seasons where Patchy is part of the game, my Butler became pretty useless. I haven't done any changes to him. Now he mostly just stand there or reads even though there's dirty dishes or sinks to clean or plants to take care of. And when he takes the trash out he wont come back inside no matter what weather conditions. Once I rest him, he then walks back inside the house. Also the tweaks/fix to put cooked food away doesn't work anymore either since Seasons. Before Seasons my Butler was GREAT! He did most everything, he even took better care of gardening than the Gardener. An now Patchy is doing more than the Butlers and Gardeners. Butler only really does something when he get ordered, but sometimes a message will pup up saying that my Butler can't do this at the moment and to give him more time etc. when there is clearly stuff to do. Was this all intentend since Patchy came into game? Or did you once again messed up the Butler coding? I want my helpful Butler back and I don't want a new Butler everytime my Sims comes back from work.

I didn't know about this new issue with Bulters since I only have one household with a Butler, but haven't played it for a while. Only recently when played this household again I have noticed several issues - Once again.
Before Patchy came my Butler was great, and now he became pretty useless.
Message 2 of 25 (5,442 Views)

Re: [TO TEST] [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again


HI @LuvMySimz


The changing has a thread here: .. don't really think it's connected to restaurant visits from what you're saying so we can use that.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 3 of 25 (5,431 Views)

Re: [TO TEST] [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

As my report said, it’s mainly about Butlers not doing much anymore since Patchy got part of the game. the changing happens when my Sim comes back from work, not restaurant. Today when loading the lot the new Butler had a car bubble over his head and just left and then my old Butler arrived again. Still not doing much really. He water the plants but leaves the weeding to my Sim or Patchy. I believe that ever since Patchy was created, that someting went wrong with the Butler coding.


ETA: @crinrict After reading the thread you have linked I have posted part of the issue with Butlers changing in the thread you've provided, thanks for the link.

Message 4 of 25 (5,407 Views)

Re: [TO TEST] [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

★★ Guide

My butler is also doing virtually nothing, even when ordered to do so. Especially annoying when my Winterfest house guests would not leave; I ordered the butler to dismiss all visitors, but he just stood there reading his butler book. I fired him and hired another butler, who exhibited the same behavior. I don't have Patchy in this household, but I do have Seasons (as well as all other expansions except Laundry and Small Pet stuff) so it might be related.

Message 5 of 25 (5,306 Views)

Re: [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again


Added this as Needs Input to collect some more voices.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 6 of 25 (5,254 Views)

Re: [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

★★ Guide

No mod, No cc.


First one is my current playing.



Second one is a fresh new save file.


Not only he/she does barely their duties but also idle behavior.



I'm pretty sure it's wrong.




Message 7 of 25 (5,188 Views)

Re: [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

I don't have Seasons and I have the same problem with my butler. They do take care of the plants, but thats all. they just read or stand somewhere random. I have to pretty much force them to care for the toddler by making the toddler interact with the butler. When it comes to the cleaning part, it won't happen and if I chose to assign work to the butler, I get the messege that the butler can't do it as they are busy/not finished with their current task. But they are doing nothing and reset sim won't work. I do have mods and cc installed but I doubt that's the issue as it seems others have this issue as well. 

Message 8 of 25 (5,051 Views)

Re: [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

★ Pro

@Nekoboy69I also doubt that CC or Mods are the issues, because I have tested the Butler issue without and with mods/CC, and the issue was the same. Also I don't think that it matters if you have the Season pack, or any other kind, because the game gets patched each time for an upcoming pack, whether you buy the pack or not. So the patches are the main issue. As my earlier post said, the issue with Butlers came up after the Season patch. Although I do have Seasons, the issue came with the patch and not with the pack itself.

Up to this day Bulters still became mostly useless since. I did noticed a slight difference with Patchy though. Looks like since the latest patch, that Patchy isn't doning that much anymore as he did before, like cleaning up most everything all the time, and not hanging around as much as before, but sadly the Bulters are still the same. Before the Season patch Bulters were great and doing their jobs (in my game), and not just mostly sitting and reading. I too get those messages that the Butler can't do this or that right now because he is busy doing something else. Yes reading lol.

Message 9 of 25 (5,030 Views)

Re: [VGSP] Butler wont do his/her job right - once again

★★ Guide

Version 151.75.1020 


new game or not still not working.







Message 10 of 25 (4,977 Views)