Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

by nelly232

Original Post

Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

★★★★ Novice
@raiface It’s still broken for me. I thought the same thing. They fixed the animation but didn’t fix the actual broken dust system. lilsimsie or James Turner must have complained about the animation.
Message 141 of 154 (2,108 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

★★★★★ Pro
@cr8201 Whats crazy to me is they fixed the wants/fears toggle which had the exact same issue as this but reversed. (wants and fears toggle reverteted to on whereas dust reverts to off) which tells me the team know how to fix it but simply dont want to. I hope they fix it as personally I will buy the kit as soon as they fix the toggle
Message 142 of 154 (1,993 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

★★ Novice

Not sure if this can be considered a workaround but mod creator LittleMsSam has a mod accessible through this link . It's titled "Enable Dust Workaround Fix" This has "fixed" my game in some sense. I just need to turn disable and enable the kit in settings once more after downloading this mod. Now dust forms regularly for me even after my Sim moved households.

Message 143 of 154 (1,946 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

★ Apprentice

#fixthedust !!!

Message 144 of 154 (1,912 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

★★ Novice

I didn’t start noticing it until last month because I did disable the dust at one point. But recently I enabled it again and I noticed that the house has been clean and dust free for weeks. I thought it was me disabling it before, I tried restarting the game and checking for updates but nothing. I even thought there was no dust because the family didn’t own a vacuum, lol. 

Message 145 of 154 (1,842 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

★★★ Apprentice

Has there even been any indication that they are aware of this and plan on fixing it? I can't understand how they can keep selling something when like 90% of the gameplay just doesn't work at all. This is the only gameplay kit it looks like we are ever going to get and it doesn't even work, so upsetting.

Message 146 of 154 (1,762 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

★★ Guide

Same on XB1 still no dust...also, even tho the floors are sparkling, the sims still get the "somebody lives here" moodlet which is caused by (slightly) dusty surroundings (says so in the description of the moodlet)...weird

Message 147 of 154 (1,718 Views)

Re: [OPEN] [BDK] No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots

★ Apprentice
@Edouble72 I'm having this problem as well. I even did things like having parties, letting dishes sit around, not taking the garbage out. I just couldn't get any dust to appear.
Message 148 of 154 (1,610 Views)

Re: No Dust Appearing on Residential Lots


Dust and Dust Bunnies will show up after a reload, now where did I put that Dust Dandy Cordless Vacuum?

Fixed in Patch 1.95.207/1.69

If you're still experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.


Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 149 of 154 (5,835 Views)

Bust the Dust - Except there's no dust (PS4)

★★★★ Guide

I've had the Bust the Dust Kit for about 5 days now and not one speck of dust has appeared. I got the pack mainly for the Dust Bunnies, but no dust is accumulating. I have "Enable Dust System" checked in the Pack Settings. The floors are constantly sparkling even after in-game weeks. My households don't even own any sweepers because I don't want them to use them autonomously, so they aren't cleaning it up on their own. Is there something I'm missing to cause dust to accumulate, or is this a bug?

Message 150 of 154 (1,569 Views)