Re: many of those 10k kills players have a very similar playstyle (aimbot style)

by MotherPhoker

Original Post

many of those 10k kills players have a very similar playstyle (aimbot style)

★ Guide

i have atm 236 hours in this game . it is my 1st BR game i play it and invest time and money . yes i have the wraith heirloom . 


i think combined i have ~1000 kills on few of my mains . most time i average ~3 kills per games. some games i get 5 kill never broke double degits . i watch streamers while playing . i notice all their behvoirs of they shooting pattern is the same as damn aimbot . 


if they not hacking i simply don't get how they do it. i see people laser you to death on those streams.  i am so confused how they do it . 


i see them moving so fast and yet hit all their shoots and headshot . i simply don't get it how ? i try to do it the recoil is too big to able to make it work . But those streamers seems to make it work . if they don't use hacks or aimbot or anything of that sort how they do it . 


how can i even practice to able to get to this precision 

Message 1 of 6 (931 Views)

Re: many of those 10k kills players have a very similar playstyle (aimbot style)

★ Guide

Some of them call it "recoil management" and it's true to a certain degree, i don't really know how some manage to do laser accurate R-99, that's why i use R-301 because it is somewhat balanced regarding recoil. Since i started playing i did notice my recoil management has gotten much better but that is to be expected when you get to know the weapons behaviour.


Anyway i still find it a bit strange aswell and there are some streamers that were caught aimbotting from what i heard, but i do not exclude the possibility that maybe i'm missing something about recoil management until i fully understand it and improve on it even more.


However, when i first started playing Apex Legends, the aim behaviour in this game was way off to what i was used to in other FPS games, i struggled alot in Apex but had absolutely no problems dominating in other multiplayer shooters. In Apex it felt like anyone was better than me. I still lose some gunfights, rocking a GTX 1080, 240Hz monitor and gigabit ethernet, Logitech G305 mouse, so it's not a hardware problem on my side. I am aware i still need to get better in Apex, and it annoys the hell out of me why my experience in other shooters doesn't fully translate here.

Message 2 of 6 (911 Views)

Re: many of those 10k kills players have a very similar playstyle (aimbot style)

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

The guns have a constant recoil pattern, you can look them up or go practice in the training grounds to learn them. 

I disagree with you when you say there is a lot of recoil. With a few attachments there is almost none on guns like the r301. Even without attachments I'd say the recoil is pretty low. 

The r99 does kick pretty hard but it's almost entirely vertical, pull down fairly hard and it's a laser beam. It really just comes down to trying to keep your sight directly on them and eliminating the spread factor, it will start to feel natural to compensate for recoil. 

When I was really sweaty playing CS I would practice my recoil by trying to stack up each round against the wall....for like 30 minutes...every single time before I played. It becomes 100% muscle memory after awhile. A lot of the streamers you're probably talking about come from games like cs where there is learn-able recoil patterns and trust me, they were pretty damn sweaty too. I didn't make up that training routine after all. 

My suggestion if you want to get better is play with a purpose. Play with the full intention of learning the recoil, or trying to compensate. Keep that in your head the entire time you play, even in stressful gunfights. Don't even try to win - your main goal is to just learn recoil. It probably wont be fun, but it's what I do to practice things in games and it works for me. 

You'll be beaming heads in no time man. 

EDIT: I decided to insert the image of the recoil patterns to save you (and others) some time. 


Message 3 of 6 (900 Views)

Re: many of those 10k kills players have a very similar playstyle (aimbot style)

★ Guide

Thank you for the tips man, very much appreciated! I did see some testing on recoil patterns on youtube, i did improve alot but i still need to do a better job, medium-close range i'm fine, but i have to practice way more on longer ranges. I hope they add targets specifically for recoil management into training mode, it would be very helpful instead of shooting walls, but for now, let's work with what we got! Standard smile

Message 4 of 6 (885 Views)

Re: many of those 10k kills players have a very similar playstyle (aimbot style)

★ Guide

it's called, "scripting," or, "macroing."  Razor and Logitech products allows you to adjust mouse movements per milliseconds...  So when you're holding down the mouse button, the software is doing all the work for you.  This is, in my eyes, considered cheating and is equal to no recoiling.  These issues have been known for the longest time.  It has been stated, per FPSer companies, "This type of third party program is not cheating.  The software came with the product and is being used as intended."  In other words, pretty much, most of your FPSer companies won't stop it.

It is what it is! 

Note:  Some are knowledge and experience with the recoil patterns, but the majority of those are starting to disappear.  They just let the third party, "intended," software to do it for them.

Message 5 of 6 (864 Views)

Re: many of those 10k kills players have a very similar playstyle (aimbot style)

★★★★★ Newbie

The best players in the world still miss...

Even when people like Shroud melt some one instantly they miss some of those shots.


It's really easy to tell an Aimbot, and the streamers who use them.

Message 6 of 6 (856 Views)