[NEEDS SAVES] Random attacks against Sims in Windenburg

by InfiniteVerve

Original Post

[NEEDS SAVES] Random attacks against Sims in Windenburg

[ Edited ]
★ Expert

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Base game, Spa day, Get Together
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play in Windenburg on the promenade area. I was having my sim spouse painting the other sim spouse, and it was the sim who was not painting (just standing there) that got attacked (random male sim attacked my female sim).
What happens when the bug occurs? I wanted to know if it's a bug in my game- where my sims (who are just out enjoying a nice night) suddenly get attacked and beat up by other sims (in Windenburg, on the promenade area). It's happened three times now. This isn't a provoked thing (like the awful 'start a fight' interaction), it's out of nowhere... Which, for people who have PTSD (have been attacked irl) and are trying to have a nice, calm, happy game experience, can be really horrible (and not really something good to teach people as 'fun', or 'funny' to attack other people). Anyway... hoping it's just a bug to get fixed, rather than a serious issue to address. Thanks
What do you expect to see? No attacks.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

I wanted to know if it's a bug in my game- where my sims (who are just out enjoying a nice night) suddenly get attacked and beat up by other sims (in Windenburg, on the promenade area). It's happened three times now. This isn't a provoked thing (like the awful 'start a fight' interaction), it's out of nowhere... Which, for people who have PTSD (have been attacked irl) and are trying to have a nice, calm, happy game experience, can be really horrible (and not really something good to teach people as 'fun', or 'funny' to attack other people). Anyway... hoping it's just a bug to get fixed, rather than a serious issue to address. I was having my sim spouse painting the other sim spouse, and it was the sim who was not painting (just standing there) that got attacked (random male sim attacked my female sim).




Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Tag

Message 1 of 21 (5,024 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

I've never had this happen in my game except for during Neighbourhood Brawl day in Seasons. But that's not one of the packs you list.

There's also another thread where people with Parenthood noticed that sims with low conflict resolution fight people randomly, but you don't have that either.

You haven't said if these sims knew each other in the relationships panel. If they have red friendship bars and are enemies or hate each other, then I'd just say it was normal for them to do an attack.

If you switch between households, you might notice your sims interact with other sims while you aren't playing them. Sometimes I notice my sims really disliking some townies who probably had a bad conversation or something.
Message 2 of 21 (4,996 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

★ Expert

The sims knew each other and were (highest bar) friends. No reason for the attacks (3 already, separate game sesh's). No neighborhood brawl day (is that seriously a thing???)... wow, more definitive reasons not to get seasons Raised eyebrow


Also don't have parenthood, so nothing to do with that.


My sims have great relationships with everyone (I play to make sure that the environment is healthy-minded, happy, no conflict, no fights, etc... and I delete all evil, mean, crazy sims before they can do any damage to anyone/ anything).



Message 3 of 21 (4,992 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

I think this is actually a 'feature'.

There are random attacks in Windenburg.

Will try find out and forward your concerns with this.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

Important Threads

Message 4 of 21 (4,966 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

★ Expert

A 'feature'? Please tell me it's not... That is really toxic, and especially concerning when there are many simmers who use this game to escape traumatic experiences in their real lives (such as abuse, violent attacks, etc.).


Thank you very much @crinrict for forwarding this concern. I just really hope EA takes this seriously (especially given the recent events with the game changer). 


In the meantime, are there are mods that can stop those attacks, or is this something that the only way to remedy is to not have the game? I am growing more and more concerned with these 'features' (like offering child sims to work for WooHoo wear in the Get Famous pack)... really making me not want anything to do with the franchise. Frown

Message 5 of 21 (4,936 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro

It is indeed a "feature", unfortunately, and has been since the release of Get Together.


Here's one forum thread from August 2016: Brawling in Windenburg. There are more threads you can read if you do a Google search. The thread I linked has information on the role and where it can be found in the tuning files.



Message 6 of 21 (4,930 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

★ Expert
Thank you @manzana0807 ... I wish The Sims franchise would include this information in the description of the packs, so that people (like myself) can avoid this type of toxic thing.

I wish I knew how to mod... I would be hitting all those awful tuning files.
Message 7 of 21 (4,924 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

★★ Pro

I understand, totally! The first time I saw these fights happen I was a bit confused and taken aback. That's how I knew they were a "feature", because I got the pack on release, saw them happen in my game, and started looking around on the internet to find out what was going on.


I can't remember though, if I've ever seen an official answer as to why Maxis included this scenario to begin with, because if they were going for a Monty versus Capp family feud vibe, the player can set up their own family feuds with the club system that ships with the pack!

Message 8 of 21 (4,895 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

★ Expert

Little more traumatic for me (and others, who may be/ have been in the same situation). The first one was a father randomly attacking his teenage daughter. The second and third involved my sims (the husband was painting his wife and a male sim assaulted my female sim)... I think EA needs to really assess their "development"... I am hoping that someone (at EA) will take this seriously.


Thank you for the communications, have a fantastic rest of the weekend Standard smile

Message 9 of 21 (4,886 Views)

Re: Random attacks against sims in Sims4

★ Apprentice
@InfiniteVerve My sim has been attacked her spouse many times. She doesn’t flirt with other men. Just her spouse.
Yesterday, he got mad and cooled down. What happened next was very disturbing. That night they were woohooing. He became angry again. He started to beat her in bed.
Message 10 of 21 (3,562 Views)