Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

by MassiveVernon

Original Post

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

@pandareno1999 I'll have to look that Wiggs guy up and see if there's a Youtube video. I wonder how he hooked up the GameCube controller? 


@AcidicSoda44031  I was just over at a friends and I beat him a few times on his own X box at Mortal Combat - a game I haven't played in a long time. Most fighting games are made for the arcade and aren't using controller thumbsticks as analog inputs. I'm actually not sure about more modern games and controllers, but they use arcade type controllers in tournaments.


It would work if you can hold to rotate. The right stick sounds like it might not be that important and can be mapped to buttons.





yea I found Nice Wigg's video

Message 31 of 39 (280 Views)

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

★★ Pro
@BaldWraithSimp So? Why should the value change? Missing the point again and I cba to keep repeating it so scroll up . Also missing the point with the dpi , was saying that console aim assist essentially feels like a slight sensitivity drop over the target with some tracking. Mouse has higher precision so you want less aim assist as it’d only hinder you . Dpi effects sensitivity. Add that together. It would FEEL like your dpi was changing whilst playing if mouse had the same level aim assist . It wasn’t a literal statement lol
Message 32 of 39 (245 Views)

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@MassiveVernonWhy shouldn't it change if you are in PC lobbies? Why do you think PC AA is less than console AA if not for balance reasons? If you choose to play in PC lobbies, you should get the same AA as a PC controller player.

And provided no points for why the value shouldn't change. Maybe do the math, 0.6 is 50% stronger that 0.4

Message 33 of 39 (238 Views)

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

★★ Pro
@BaldWraithSimp I’ll be totally honest I didn’t really read what you said properly just replied with anger between matches lol . Ill stick with it tho and say maybe it’s to do with framrate ? Being locked at 59fps on console compared to the 140+ on pc has gotta have its disadvantages so maybe the devs felt sorry for us 😛

Again back to what I said earlier tho, match by input to avoid all this in the first place
Message 34 of 39 (225 Views)

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

★★★★★ Expert
@MassiveVernon FPS limitation doesn't call for any extra advantage, not every PC player gets high fps and that's coming from me who plays on 50-60 fps.

let's be real tho input based matchmaking will never happen.They just want to force the choice of few people(to play cross platform) on everyone, including the stronger console aim assist.
Message 35 of 39 (218 Views)

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

★★ Pro
@BaldWraithSimp No reason they couldn’t though so it’s just more * choices by the devs left for the players to deal with and argue amongst themselves. let’s leave it at then , seeing as this really wasn’t this thread was supposed to be about anyway. I just wanted to know why movement whilst looting couldn’t be implemented on console lol
Message 36 of 39 (211 Views)

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

★ Guide
@MassiveVernon TBH not everyone can get that 140+ fps in this game. Most are playing with fps that dips from 60 to 120 to whatever random number apex desides.
Only those that have 3060 or something like that can play with no drops in fps since the the poor optimization.
Message 37 of 39 (203 Views)

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies


@MassiveVernon Back on topic lol,  movement while looting would be a big feature to add to console, the game would feel so much more fluid, we'd definitely see a lot more clutch plays too.


Or at the very least a better deathbox UI to streamline the looting process.

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Message 38 of 39 (194 Views)

Re: You don’t realise how bad controller looting is til you play in pc lobbies

★★ Pro
@MandatoryIDtag Yeah it would really make a difference. Like you say , even just a better UI would be good . It’s not terrible as is , just could be better.

The thing that annoys me most is the choice between either staying in death box when taking damage and potentially being obliterated before even getting a chance to back out , or leaving death box upon taking damage which can be really irritating when someone is poking you at long range . I can never decide what to leave the setting on as they’re both needed in different situations.

Obviously adding movement whilst looting would nullify the downside to staying in box whilst taking damage .
Message 39 of 39 (179 Views)