support apex

by xovenhentai

Original Post

Accepted Solution

support apex

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

I think that apex should kept the iron crown collection the same and not give freeloaders the complete win, I spent like $170  trynna get everything and to log on and see you can basically get all the skins for free is kinda like a punch in the face because I support the game and always try and get all the legendary stuff not to flex but to support the game and just lost some good money grabs to fund the game for better updates like bruh 

Message 1 of 6 (413 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: support apex

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro

@xovenhentaiI think respawn should have sold the legendary and epic loot pack seperatly.


$7 for legendary packs and

$5 for epic packs


I think people have bought those.

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Message 2 of 6 (386 Views)

All Replies

Re: support apex

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro

@xovenhentaiI think respawn should have sold the legendary and epic loot pack seperatly.


$7 for legendary packs and

$5 for epic packs


I think people have bought those.

Message 2 of 6 (387 Views)

Re: support apex

★★ Novice
@hhnbbfggty66 either way just don't want apex to flop because of funding
Message 3 of 6 (375 Views)

Re: support apex

★★ Expert
@xovenhentai the skins are free now? where? when? how?

You spent $170 of your own free will. Plus $170 is the cost to get everything. You got it cheaper than if you had bought each skin individually.

No freeloaders won, everyone still has to pay real money to obtain a skin they want.

Can't be upset at them for that when you went out and just bought everything anyways.
Message 4 of 6 (370 Views)

Re: support apex

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

@iBlockHeadNah not upset and I was out of line saying "freeloaders should not get the complete win" because it's not true they didn't get the complete win but was quite fair how the updates panned out though I just saw it has a good opportunity for Apex to get easy money get hopefully give us better updates cuz Apex is a hella good game and would hate to see it die

Message 5 of 6 (304 Views)

Re: support apex

★★★ Pro
@xovenhentai Here's the thing, giving someone like EA more money while disregarding overturned prices wont have the outcome you think it would, they'll just keep doing the same thing over and over with these pay to win events and when the players eventually get tired and stop sacrificing their wallets the game will stop getting updates and eventually be abandoned.
Also two free packs locked behind a long grind isn't a "complete win for the freeloaders" either, idk where you got that idea from..
Message 6 of 6 (296 Views)