Re: create a world Terrain Doubling

by puzzlezaddict

Original Post

create a world Terrain Doubling

★★★★★ Newbie

I managed to get Create A World downloaded, but now when I import heightmaps they either come out flat or doubled. I've tried several sizes on several heightmaps. I've attached images of the doubled effect and the flat view (heightmap exported white, no need to save that file and share it...). 

Message 1 of 2 (328 Views)

Re: create a world Terrain Doubling

@pelicaneatscat2  Just checking, but are you using a heightmap that's the same size as the world map?  If that's not the issue, then I don't really know what to suggest.  You might have better luck on the Sims forums, where there are a few world builders still actively posting.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
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