New Registrations Broken

by xChuckxxNorrisx

Original Post

New Registrations Broken

★★★★★ Newbie

Just FYI in case there are others out there whom Origin/EA has thrown to the wolves, claiming there was no issue..  For two days I've been trying to register a new Origin account and was unable to no matter what method I tried.  All boxes turned green, everything filled out correctly, and still get "We're sorry but we are having technical difficulties right now.  Please try again later."  I spoke to Origin about this and we tried a few things and then finally the guy just GAVE UP and he says "Sorry man, it could be a new issue we aren't aware of.  Hopefully it'll get fixed soon.  Just keep trying."  And that's how we ended the conversation.  I couldn't be more pissed at EA right now and their garbage servers.  I've finally been able to register an account now but I had to do it through the forum.  Its the only way it works at the moment.  Origin client won't take new registrations and neither will  Oh and to top it off, the only reason I had to register for a new one was b/c I lost access to the email associated with my old Origin account that had tons of games in it.  Origin refused to help me recover that account, even though I offered to send photo ID's, birth certificate, whatever they want.  Nope.  Lose access to your email and you'll be rebuying all your games.  Its good to see that in the 2 years I was away from gaming EA hasn't changed one bit.  Still constant server issues and horrible customer service.

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Re: New Registrations Broken

@xChuckxxNorrisx  I'm really sorry to hear how much trouble Origin and EA have been giving you.  I probably can't help any, but in case you haven't tried it already, here's an account recovery form you can fill out:


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
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