Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

by IAmTheMeddler

Original Post

Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

★★★★★ Novice

Hello! I play this game very much every day. Wraith got a nerf, even if she was not OP at all. I think she actually needed a buff and not a nerf again? The only thing people were complaining about was her hitbox and Respawn chose to do an unnecessary nerf. BUT Pathfinder the most OP character in the game remains untouched? He is too OP and has so many advantages over all the other characters. His grapple is very OP and it takes him a very long range, it has a very short cooldown. His grapple can take all the highground ever and it just is too good. His passive is one of the best in the game. He has a short cooldown on his tactical ability and it takes u extreme ranges. Wraiths tactical makes her slower and it gets nerfed? And the tactical ultimate combo gets nerf.   I think all the charachters should be stabilized and all of them should be played as much, it is NOT stabilized right now. Right now people only play Pathfinder because he is too good. And thats why i think that Respawn should buff Wraith and nerf Pathfinder.



Message 1 of 16 (1,650 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

★★★★★ Guide
@shrood69420 While I agree that PF needs a nerf, I think Wraith is fine right now.
Message 2 of 16 (1,623 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

★★★ Novice

No. Wraith is NOT fine, man. Her ultimate only serves to aid transport to teammates unlike the buff Ult of Bloodhound or damage taking Bang or Gibby. Her tac only avoids damage for like 4 sec but leaves a trail AND you lose sight of the enemy. Her passive is pretty much useless. How is she fair? 35 second cool down compared to Pathfinder's like 5 second cooldown (exaggeration) grappler which can surve the same purpose as Wraith. Either escape (which is better than Wriath's) or catching up to an enemy easily or even taking highground easy.

Message 3 of 16 (1,616 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

★★★★ Guide
@SERPENT_DESCEND I agree. Wraith feels balanced. I used her as my main in season 1 and 2, and have about 900 kills with her total. I am an average player and have had plenty of experience with her before she was nerfed, but even after the nerf I had a 6 kill, 2000 damage game with her.
Pathfinder on the other hand definitely needs a nerf.
Message 4 of 16 (1,604 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@SERPENT_DESCENDShe's definitely not fine right now, 35 second tactical is too long and without her portal phase boost there's not much incentive to play her, she was fine before this patch though

Message 5 of 16 (1,580 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

@ONI_VRIts long enough. Gold helmet still makes it an amazing tactical. The incentive to play wraith is her decent passive, great utility ultimate and amazing hitbox.


Buff legends that actually need help like Mirage, Bloodhound and Crypto.

Message 6 of 16 (1,568 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

★★★★ Novice
@IAmTheMeddler If the writhe feels balanced, Gibraltar has to do much nurf.
Message 7 of 16 (1,544 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

★★★★★ Guide
@YEETCEPTION7 Bloodhound doesn't need a buff though, Not as much as Mirage and Crypto at least.
Message 8 of 16 (1,513 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

★★★★ Guide
@SeongDeok Yeah, Gibraltors gun shield should be nerfed a bit. His body armor shouldn't add additional health to his gun shield. This would help to balance him out a lot.
Message 9 of 16 (1,498 Views)

Re: Wraith needs a buff and Pathfinder needs a nerf.

★★★★ Novice
@IAmTheMeddler DoomsShield, including Gun Shield, also needs to be nurfed and resuscitated by Gibraltar now.
Message 10 of 16 (1,464 Views)