Betreff: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)


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Betreff: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★ Expert

I started playing R6 again....



Message 11 of 27 (528 Views)

Betreff: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★★★ Pro

Today has been the usual S Show.  I finally hit BP lvl 77.  Not sure I make it through this one but the completionist in me want to finish then I will flip a coin if I uninstall or not.  

My main game is BFV anyway.

Message 12 of 27 (521 Views)

Re: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★★★★ Expert
@ColdHours You too huh :0 yea after that stint I did with ranked couple weeks ago I can’t be bothered playing it. It’s either ppl that think they’re Wanted (movie) level good but suck or just the suckers who know they suck but still don’t communicate.

@Pretzelnutcake, I share the same opinion, let’s just hope for the best.

@AWOL_312 don’t remind me of doom! Can’t wait for my collector edition to come in! Too bad this doom won’t have a traditional MP, but I will see how the Battle mode fares. But other than that I have alot of other games to play.

@SpyrosFPS wait, you haven’t played D3?! That game is amazing. I actually played the last one (So Darksiders 3) first which got me hooked so I started playing Darksiders 1 Warmastered Edition, lore was fun but you could feel the clunkiness of the controls due to it being such a dated game. I was actually playing Darksiders 2 when Apex launched and I still need to finish it 😅 but out of the 3 so far, D3 is my favorite. Good combo of lore and fighting
Message 13 of 27 (504 Views)

Re: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★ Pro
@Koochi-Q I'm going to keep playing, at least on weekends. I don't have the BP (I learnt my lesson buying cosmetics), but I want to at least hit gold again, if not plat. I'm on 225 ping btw. Playing Subnautica (Can't wait for Below Zero. Man, seems so good. If you haven't played Subnautica btw then wtf are you doing with your life.), Star Wars BFII if there is any extra xp weekends, or Overwatch because Overwatch comp > Apex Comp. People in Overwatch comp may be toxic but at least they know how to play the game. And I need golden guns as well.
Message 14 of 27 (485 Views)

Re: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★★★★ Expert
@CrazyPlays54 Good thing is I have no life 😈 so I don’t feel targeted with that line :P haven’t played it but seen some stuff. It looked like SOMA and I played that tho. Does that count?

Haven’t played overwatch. I did heavily play Paladin: Guardians/masters of the real (or whatever the subtitle was) and alpha tested Ninja Theory’s new MOBA called Bleeding Edge.
Message 15 of 27 (456 Views)

Re: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)


Honestly, i stopped playing regularly at week 4 of the battle pass.


Currently sat at bp80 and will likely max it but i'm not sure if i'll be botheringnto buy a season 4 pass.


Audio on footsteps is still screwed.


The maps gotten stale much quicker than KC did.


The whole charge rifle/pk meta kinda sucks.



These are my reasons for losing interest.

CCP Champion Banner - Blue.png

Message 16 of 27 (450 Views)

Re: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★★★ Guide

i think you need a break only if you play 24/7 like those bp 100+ guys but if you play once a week, you won't need a break (and let's be honest, there's no new content, nothing to make us play it more than once a week)

Message 17 of 27 (435 Views)

Re: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★ Expert



yup...that's me..101bp and only play once a week...finish up the weekly challenges and that's about it. 





Message 18 of 27 (400 Views)

Re: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★★★★ Apprentice

BP 89 here, gonna take a break after getting to 110. I want to play the new season in PoE till MHW Iceborne comes out on PC. In short, soon i wont have the time to play Apex :<

Message 19 of 27 (367 Views)

Re: Who’s quitting or taking a break after (completing) this season(‘s BP)

★★★★★ Guide

I just finished the season BP.  I tried the Platinum rank push (PC player) for 6 hours yesterday with the idea that Diamond is something to strive for.  My conclusion is it's not worth the effort due to cheaters.  At the beginning of the season, we got about one week of "real" Apex play after the ban wave or software change that required them to update the hacks.  Now it's a hot mess of "soft" cheaters.  They have gotten very good at attempting to hide the cheats.  I have watched some die on purpose in an attempt to hide their activity.  The biggest cheater indicator use to be how they moved during fights.  Players that have mastered their aim also have mastered movement in Apex.  A PK is used differently than an EVA8 when considering movement in the fight.  Cheaters had one move, run straight in, they don't slide much, climb much, bob up and down, use cover, or strafe.  They simply rely on the aimbot to perform the magic for them.  As I said, the cheaters are catching on and now incorporate movement so it's becoming harder to notice.  The obvious observation is when my whole team gets dropped by one guy crazy quickly, at a speed that requires mostly headshots, then when he thinks he's being watched his combat time goes WAY up and he struggles to down one guy let alone a team.  Let's not even talk about ESP hacks, those are even worse and I have watched cheaters track right through the wall until the guy shows up around the corner, perfect timing.  I play at high volume and you can't track that good...direction yes, track exact movement through  The most obvious one yesterday was when my teammate was hiding.  Nobody around when he took his position and no way to see him take the position from afar.  A fight took place near him and he listened but did not look.  After the fight was over the winning squad ran over to his position, flanked the rocks/hill he was behind together and killed him.  Impossible to know he was there.  Ridiculous.  That's my answer to the questions.  BP over so I'm taking a break to allow time for the cheaters to get cleared out again.  I will check in once every few weeks and see if there is any progress but if it's the same as before then I simply won't play.  Respawn missed a big one by underestimating the number of cheaters and how it will affect all the regular players.  It ruins the game and makes it no fun to play.  Why are they not saying anything about it anymore?  I believe it's because they don't have any good news, they are aware it's out of control.  Even the streamers I watch are running across cheaters daily.  Apex is by far my favorite shooter, it's sad that I can't play it on a level playing field.  

Message 20 of 27 (328 Views)