Re: Scope color

by Dead-Time

Original Post

Scope color

★★★★ Novice

In PUBG you can change the scopes color
Question is, is there some option I cant find to change 1x, 2x, 3x scopes color?
I have strong protanopia, so for example, shooting with a gun that has almost any kind of scope is near impossible for me.
Changing the color blind mode does nothing.

Message 1 of 2 (192 Views)

Re: Scope color

★★★★ Novice

When using any scope but in particular "ACOG" style scopes green is the quickest color to acquire. I'm not sure if that color would help you but it does shave a few thousandth off reaction time. The human eye perceives green the quickest and easiest, it would be nice as you mentioned to be able to change the reticle colors in your glass.

Message 2 of 2 (175 Views)