Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

by Cheese9Man

Original Post

I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

★★★★ Pro

Just like Apex Legends, 100% multiplayer vs people, every player paid. Monetized through in-game assets, but not skins.

I say that because I find skins absolutely worthless (my opinion). I'm not trying to sound mean and/ or put people down who do enjoy them, just saying I don't. I run Apex Legends PC as potato as it can, not because I have too, but I like frames per second over pretty visuals.

I'm also not looking forward to Titanfall 3, as I never did get into the whole mech and/ or bot thing (Chromehounds was a nice mech game IMO).

Any new first person tites like Apex Legends coming out this year?

Message 1 of 13 (608 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

@Popa2caps As much as I would probably enjoy this, I don't know if it's the best idea. It would divide up the player population even more.

I really like the F2P aspect of Apex and the current system. It allows everyone, from every income level to play and enjoy apex. Those who can afford to spend some money and support the game, can do so by purchasing skins. Those who can't can still enjoy the game, be competitive and have a good time with their friends.

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Message 2 of 13 (589 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

★★★★★ Expert
@Popa2caps mech warrior 5 is closest or else halo
Message 3 of 13 (566 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

★★★★ Pro


Tried to get into Halo 5 (Master Chief's Curfew), Halo Reach and Destiny 2, but honestly couldn't. Too much bullet magnetism for me myself. It's like I just point and click, don't find that find at all. My aim doesn't even need to be close to the actual opponent for my shots to register. I've also watched the gameplay of Valorant, but it looks boring to me. Just people holding corners doesn't interest me at all.

Was a fan of MechWarrior Online in 2013 - 2015 so I tried MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries on the Xbox Series X, uninstalled in minutes. I thought the frame rate was super poor even though it was so-called Xbox Series S|X optimized (lies lol). More like optimized for a Gameboy™.

I'm honestly more into fast paced first person shooters, like Apex Legends. It has the gun mechanics I like for example attachments, ADS, plus has the rock, paper, scissors gameplay from RTS genres.

I'm sure TitanFall 3 will be talked about during the EA Play Event, I'll wait to watch info on that.
Message 4 of 13 (537 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

★★★★★ Expert
@Popa2caps I feel like making this game paid would do nothing for it. It's def not gonna improve any of the glaring issues it's been having. They already make a ton of money off it as it is.
Message 5 of 13 (515 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

★★★★★ Expert
@Popa2caps Respawn will never do this. This will go against their top priority of short queue times. They even sacrifice good matchmaking just for queue times. You would like to support Respawn by not paying for skins? Well you can buy $60 worth of apex coins and not use them.

An example of a paid FPS game with battle royale is Battlefield V. Well, that mode sucks. Once huge paid FPS hero shooter, Overwatch, now has at least 5-15min wait times per game depending on the role you pick.
Message 6 of 13 (508 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

@Popa2caps I was the same at first with the TF franchise. Couldn't get into the whole Mecha part of it but after playing it with family and friends I got into it. The game (at least the first one) I think was slept on. But then I guess it's because their wasn't really anything else out there that was similar.

@Cheese9Man I loved Overwatch back in the day. Wanted to get my partner into it but it's just not the same anymore. I'm not much of a fan of the all changes. I hear they're making Overwatch 2 5v5 instead of 6v6?

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Message 7 of 13 (478 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

★★★★ Pro


Sorry, I'm going to disagree with you on both purchasing coins and/ or what coins represent themselves.

I look at coins as a means to confuse people who lose their connections to real world value. Plus with conversations being one way, I look at it as a trick more than anything.

Example: Someone spending $20 (USD) might think twice about their purchase, but someone spending 2000 coins might not.

I myself can't support coins. Also because I could directly purchase skins with money like you can in Apex legend I won't also do, I don't hold skins as something worth value.

Understand I'm not at all being sarcastic in any of this, I'm just very honest.

I wouldn't have used Battlefield as a good BR title, I would have used the original to the BR series PUBG, but it is indeed not a fast paced shooter, so I guess that's why you used Battlefield?
Message 8 of 13 (456 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

★★★★ Pro


What is the "TF franchise"?

Message 9 of 13 (453 Views)

Re: I Would Really Enjoy A Paid Apex Legends Clone Or Something Close.

★★★ Pro
@Popa2caps like Overwatch? Hackers make money by selling high level/high achievement accounts, so this wouldn't help much, also free players increase number of players and cause shorter queues and faster games.

Well to be fair cosmetics (skins, emotes, etc) are a big profit source for games like this.

All we are dealing with, all server attacks on 4th of July is because of titanfall 2, isn't it better if they update and improve that, instead of offering titanfall 3?

Valorant, Call of Duty Warzone could be kinda compared to Apex, but in my opinion, Apex Legends is still the best one in 2021.
Message 10 of 13 (443 Views)