Re: Any Way To Uninstall a DLC?

by puzzlezaddict

Original Post

Any Way To Uninstall a DLC?

★ Apprentice

Is there a way to uninstall a DLC once you have it? I recently purchased Island Living but I was SO disappointed by it that I only played for an hour and I haven't been back into it since. It was the first DLC I got.......I love the base game, but I know I will never play this DLC again. I also know there's no refunds on DLC, but I just don't want it on my computer, taking up hard drive space.

Message 1 of 2 (3,002 Views)

Re: Any Way To Uninstall a DLC?

@Diolacles  The files for Island Living only take up about 1.5 GB on my hard drive.  Given what a hassle it is to keep a pack from reinstalling—Origin will try to download it after every patch, or if you repair the game or clear Origin's cache, even with automatic game updates disabled—it may be a lot easier to just tell Origin not to load the EP.  This is simple enough:


Island Living is EP07.


If you really want the files gone, you have a couple of options.  You could uninstall Sims 4 and reinstall without the Island Living pack.  Or you could just delete the EP07 folder for that pack from your program files, although this is unsupported.  Unless you changed the default install location in Origin, the full file path will be:


Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4


There's also an EP07 folder deeper within this directory, but you can leave that one alone.


As for Origin trying to redownload the pack, you'll need to keep an eye on the download manager after every patch.  Additionally, you'll need to alt-tab back to Origin after you launch Sims 4: Origin usually tries at least once to restart the download of any missing packs when the game loads to the Main Menu.  Perhaps the new EA Desktop App, currently in beta, will allow more choice, but that remains to be seen.


Make sure you disable auto game updates in Origin as well: hover over your username, select Application Settings, and under Application (the first header), scroll down to Client update and disable auto game updates.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 2 of 2 (2,979 Views)