Re: Kicked out at the beginning of match and got RP and 10 mins penalty...

by imhungovershark

Original Post

Re: Kicked out at the beginning of match and got RP and 10 mins penalty...

★★★ Newbie

ive lost over 200 Rp becaus ei keep getting kicked out fix your servers or else the game really gonna die fast because it unplayable and im pissed because i cant rank to diamond because of trash servers


Message 21 of 44 (727 Views)

Re: Just loss -72 RP due to Server Issues

★★★ Newbie

Yeah i've lost about 300 RP just today, this needs to be fixed they need to find a way to grant RP to compensate for this huge inconvience!

Message 22 of 44 (715 Views)

Apex Ranked lobby issue

★★★ Newbie

Product: Apex Legends
Platform:PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Bundy_d-_-b
Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. Don’t know they were randoms
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)? Pathfinder
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)? mirage, Gibraltar
Where did the issue occur? Loading into the match from the lobby
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don't remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Squad profile
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Waiting for the drop ship to load
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? I don't know
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 3
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 09.17.21; 16:45
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? On Ranked match if you abandon a match there is a severe penalty. I’m at Platinum 1 and with only 3 days left I cannot afford to lose any more points. I lost -72 pts even before the lobby loaded.
What should be happening instead? The drop ship should have loaded so I could jump to map.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Unsure, there have server issues since the Rampart event.

Attached is error I reported to PSN.


Message 23 of 44 (705 Views)

Re: Just loss -72 RP due to Server Issues

★★★ Newbie

Great.... another week isn't making up for this.  Just lost another 100 RP because me and my buddy get disconnected at the start of a ranked game.  Are they trying to kill Apex on purpose with quality releases / servers like this?  Is this all a ploy to shift attention to Battlefield?

Message 24 of 44 (708 Views)

Re: Kicked out at the beginning of match and got RP and 10 mins penalty...

★★★★★ Newbie
@SamNoNick This is starting to get ridiculous… problems all the time…
Message 25 of 44 (705 Views)

Re: Kicked out at the beginning of match and got RP and 10 mins penalty...

★ Apprentice

Guys, I don't pretend to defend Respawn or anything, but I am pretty sure they are doing everything they can to have this fixed. At this point with all the problems they have now and having the devs constantly working to fix this, they are loosing a lot of money, so I'm pretty sure they don't want this to drag for long, but if it is being dragged for this long it's probably because there's not really other option, at least that they could found. I agree that one decision that they could have made was to role back the update but I can't even imagine all the variables behind it so I'm not really sure about it.

Now, if we know this, and if this is the current reality, a good thing to do is not to try and play rankeds... I can understand people loosing RP 2 times, one because they didn't knew and a second because they wanted to check and see if it would be already fixed, Hell, maybe a third time to check again... But come on if it's just not working then don't go on rankeds and then complain about how you lost so many RP.... Just go on normal Trios to try it out there, where you don't loose RP. Don't take me wrong, I know this sucks, since I reported a bug I couldn't play ONE single game without huge connections issues, TOTALLY UNPLAYABLE. It really sucks, I can't enjoy the game at all, and playing normal trios really feels like wasting time and effort because it's all about grinding up to win those nice the RP points. But the reality is that it's just not possible for now, the sooner we understand that the sooner we stop throwing RP points into the Garbage...

Anyway, I just wish that Respawn fixes this huge thing, so it's possible to play Apex again...

And most of all, I also wish the dev team the strength and knowledge to not fall in the temptation of making quick fixes and rushed decisions under this unimaginable pressure that they are probably feeling right now, from the community but also from the big bosses...

Since the begging the servers always showed to have some issues and It's been clear that on almost all update there were some issues, but I love this game... So I'm looking forward to be Fixed & Up and Running!

Message 26 of 44 (679 Views)

Re: Kicked out at the beginning of match and got RP and 10 mins penalty...

★ Novice

Being honest, seeing these amount of comments and experiencing the same, looks like EA not doing anything about fixing any issues/bugs that people report, not banning or preventing hackers to play this game, or just upgrading and stabilizing the game itself - only things EA is doing is creating new heirlooms, sets, styles and GET AS MUCH MORE AS THEY CAN while ignoring the issues/bugs people are facing. Guys, please pay attention to your games instead of money gaining only.

Message 27 of 44 (646 Views)

Re: Kicked out at the beginning of match and got RP and 10 mins penalty...

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

But Respawn will extend ranked split by 1 week - isn't that a solution Tongue out


To be honest, at this point I am 100% sure that this game is saved only by the fact that there is no better alternative in the market...or at least I don't know any, please tip me if you do, I will uninstall Apex with pleasure at this point.


In my opinion since March 2021 I have not seen much "great" stuff here:


  • Visuals - yes, this is my first BR game and I have not played FPS games online since way back when...this was a bit of a wow effect
  • Variety of guns and legends - ok...good enough
  • Ranked mode - nothing new
  • Pubs / Arenas - usual stat-boosting mode for most where no one really gives a F about it - same as 20 years ago
  • Imperfect matchmaking that frustrates people - still here and not changed, I still don't get why getting a set squad with randoms is so overrated and leads to much harder lobbies
  • Hacking, smurfing, lack of action from Respawn - sub-par, killing this game slowly but surely
  • Really constant bugs before, during and after patches - seems like a social experiment where Respawn is testing how much people will bear with issues before quitting
  • Community that mostly consists of people who are following stats, visuals, addons rather than getting better or in many cases even trying to master game's basics - sub-par, killing this game for competitive players for sure
  • Unclear and constant changes to the game, Respawn's politics, game customization options and most importantly constant changes of FPS in the game (first game when I have ~50% FPS drops depending on the situation in-game) - very frustrating and puzzling at the same time given back in the days games like Quake, Unreal, Half-life even damn Crysis either did run on your PC or it did not / was unplayable, this though is a constant mix of both somehow while Respawn being not at all small market player...

As much as I would like to emphasize more pros than * I just can't. It was fun to understand the game during my first season, it was fun to battle through the second one, but now in my third when I reached Diamond level and still see bugs and hacking on a constant basis, I am very sure that this will be my last season in the game - it is just pointless waste of time unless you become a streamer and help people to get ride of their money via streaming how good you are at game exploits...otherwise this just does not make sense to me, sorry.

Message 28 of 44 (629 Views)

Re: Kicked out at the beginning of match and got RP and 10 mins penalty...

★★★★★ Newbie
@EA_David The issue of being disconnected when a match is about to Start is still ongoing on Xbox One and along with it, the matches we are able to play do something similar when trying to leave the match when it is over. When trying to leave, the screen gets stuck on "connecting lobby" forcing the user to close the application. This issue has been affecting me and my fellow party members and is more prevalent when playing with a full premade squad.
Message 29 of 44 (583 Views)

Re: Kicked out at the beginning of match and got RP and 10 mins penalty...

★★★ Newbie

Im having the same issue today tried loading into ranked or regular social and i get kicked out after 2 seconds of being in the map loading screen not to mention i haven't even played in a week and i don't troll and am not toxic player but my friends told me its possible for accounts to be hacked so i have reset my password for my account jus don't know what to do in this situation? could  use some help  

Message 30 of 44 (554 Views)