Re: Loot pool is too congested - suggested changes

by Ingeniekey

Original Post

Loot pool is too congested - suggested changes

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

The loot pool is too big with all the different gun classes and attachments for each class, more often than not you loot 3 bins and have an inventory full of attachments with no guns to use them on and have to start dropping stuff in a very stressful moment. Here's what I think need to change:


  1. Add white backpack to the starting gear so you get two more slots early game. Would help out a lot since you often get attachments you want to hold on to when you find the right gun. This should have been done when white helmet, body shield and knockdown was added to the starting kit if you ask me. 
  2. Guns come with white attachments on them meaning lvl 1 sniper/standard stock/shotgun bolt, lvl 1 barrel stabilizer and lvl 1 mag. They don't do much for the gun in term of recoil or control and would make the loot pool less crowded. Maybe some heavy guns need a slight decrease in mag size, Flatline with lvl 1 mag is 25 bullets while 20 without and Hemlok 24 with mag and 18 without. Decrease the mag size to resemble the light guns with lvl 1 extended mags and it's fine. 


Message 1 of 3 (853 Views)

Re: Loot pool is too congested - suggested changes

★★★★★ Newbie

I know I'm pretty late to this post but I definitely feel as though the loot pool needs to be altered a bit. I still drop into a building sometimes with 5+ mozams being the only available option whilst the team that landed in the building next to me get geared with decent weapons. I think giving all weapons their white attachments may be a little too strong even if they were to be nerfed but that's just my personal opinion. I agree with the backpack though, I often find myself trying to find a backpack (if the level 3 isn't available through crafting) so I think adding this to the start of a players kit would be very beneficial in terms of dropping with 2 extra inventory slots as well as decreasing the loot pool slightly, however a counter argument could be made in saying that this opens up to more early game grenade spams but again this tends to be the case anyways when players don't find a weapon to defend themselves with. Personally I would suggest the level 1 backpack idea as well as maybe it's time to start vaulting weapons. I know that this would be a very huge thing to do as the weapons are the biggest part of the game, however hop ups have been constantly rotated in and out with each season as well as weapons in the care packages, either that or increase the variety of care packages again from 4 weapons to 5. This is just my personal suggestion and granted I can see that it may be a ridiculous one in some circumstances but I feel that putting ideas out there could help towards coming up with a working solution

Message 2 of 3 (587 Views)

Re: Loot pool is too congested - suggested changes

★★★★★ Guide
@bananarepublic94 Also the loot spawns is rigged on drop and spawns you P2020, Mozambique, R45 first, before other higher damage weapons. Its rigged like this so you feel a progression. Also they dont want high damage weapons on drop because everyone will die instantly. #ApexRigged
Message 3 of 3 (482 Views)