Re: Latest Shield Buff was too much!

by xx_Dante2k_xx

Original Post

Latest Shield Buff was too much!

★ Novice

The latest update season 6 where all the shields had their hit points return to season 5 level really hurt the game. This Significantly increased the time to kill, and with everyone having red evo towards the end of the game makes the fights last a lot longer. This just turns the fight into who has the largest backpack of heals and ammo. I think the gold needed a buff back but leave the evo shields at what they were for the start of season 6 please! This just helps the people with exceptional aim and hurts the rest of us plebeians. 

Time to kill time increases; white 20%, blue 16.7%, purple/gold 14.3%, red 12.5%. Image if they nerfed all the guns by this? Which is what they did...

Message 1 of 5 (380 Views)

Re: Latest Shield Buff was too much!

@JamesBondPPK bar snipers its good its been reverted back. So many people didn't like the change, hence the revert.
Message 2 of 5 (356 Views)

Re: Latest Shield Buff was too much!

★ Novice

Well not necessarily. Yes, now you can’t get quick scoped or a lone sniper take out a squad from a distance, but unfortunately now this hurts SMGs and pistons a lot (wingman is an exception). Now late game is dominated by a plethora of red evo shields, which increases the importance of landing every shot and having high powered guns. At the beginning now, when there aren’t attachment really any attachments, it make picking up some of the less powerful guns pretty pointless since in a fight it just gives you a false hope that you can win a fire fight.


With less HP, people had to be smart about engagements and use tactics. Now it feels like they killed off the ability for less skilled players to get the drop on the “higher” skilled players, and gave the advantage back to the skilled players who are able to fully level up their evo shields with ease. For example, Gibraltar now has over 300hp with his little gun shield, plus the bonus on taking less damage bec he moves slower. The prowler with purple mag does about 500 or so damage, so you would need to be over 60% accurate with the most powerful SMG (excluding the R99), which just makes my point of giving the advantage to skilled players again. 

Message 3 of 5 (350 Views)

Re: Latest Shield Buff was too much!

@JamesBondPPK Well surely the better players should get the kills. I don't understand why people with less skill or are worse at the game should be able to beat better players.

I don't care either way, I just learn and adapt to the changes but the majority wanted the revert.
Message 4 of 5 (342 Views)

Re: Latest Shield Buff was too much!

★★★★★ Novice

I made a post that getting rid of the Red version of EVO shield would make the combat feel almost perfect. Initially when the EVO shield was introduced they granted 125 armor to incentivize players to pick up a EVO shield over all the other shields. The problem now is every piece of armor is EVO. I personally like this change but now there is no need for the red version. All Armor should max at 100 just like gold. This way Gold armor would also stays superior how it should be. If Respawn made this change I think it would even the playing field a bit between all players.

Message 5 of 5 (329 Views)