Touching Friendly "Silence" Charges Abruptly Ending "Beast Of The Hunt" Ulti

by BPasquale87

Original Post

Touching Friendly "Silence" Charges Abruptly Ending "Beast Of The Hunt" Ulti

★★ Apprentice

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this yet, but it has happened to me on 3 separate occasions now. The problem occurs when I play as Bloodhound and one of my teammates is playing as Revenant. We will be in the middle of a fight with another squad when I decide to activate "Beast of the Hunt." Either before, or as I'm activating the ability, my teammate will throw out a Silence charge to assist in the fight. Because everything turns very black and white, it becomes difficult to notice the ball of energy twenty feet in front of me (but nor should I considering it's a charge from a teammate). As I'm pushing forward I inadvertently make contact with the Silence charge and it immediately deactivates my ultimate...coincidentally at a point where I have already entered my opponent's bubble. The first time it happened I wasn't 100% sure and figured there must have been a Revenant on the opposing team. The second and third time, however, I'm very confident the charge came from my teammate because neither team we fought had a Revenant, and no other team was currently third-partying.


Since I don't typically have people to play with that I know personally, testing my claim has been difficult. Hoping someone reading this can grab a friend and see if the same thing is happening for them.

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