Tie Fighter blows up after entering the hangar

by backpainnow

Original Post

Re: Tie Fighter blows up after entering the hangar

★★★★ Novice

i had same prob to begin but after reading all of this thread i did it after 2 tries(See my previous post), set to easy to do it, the bit that was most confusing was that the jet your in along with the controls seem to change at a certain point once you enter the hangar and you get a new view with some new strafe movements added and it moves around UP+DOWN, (not sure if it was mouse i used or arrows or what) it's like a hovering cockpit, this adds to the confusion, you need to use these controls/movements to kill everything and avoid death.

Message 91 of 94 (784 Views)

Re: Tie Fighter blows up after entering the hangar

★★★ Newbie

This is the correct answer.  You have to use the arrows on your keyboard.  I just spent 3 hours raging over this.  The fact that this passed inspection in the first place pisses me the * off. To all the people who made this game - you're all goddamn inbred degenerates.  Absolutely ridicuous.

Message 92 of 94 (671 Views)

Re: Tie Fighter blows up after entering the hangar

★ Novice

This is still busted in 2022. On about my 15th attempt, loading screens are causing cancer, and I've resorted to Googling the issue seeing as I'm not alone,

Message 93 of 94 (480 Views)

Re: Tie Fighter blows up after entering the hangar

★★★ Newbie

Yes! That did it, I don't understand why, but thank you!

Message 94 of 94 (292 Views)