How to find the serial code from Origin

by ShadowSoul32

Original Post

How to find the serial code from Origin

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I've recently downloaded The Sims 3 via Origin, and I can't find my serial code. I've tried the product code, but it is invalid. Anyone have any fixes to this? I would really like to upload some new Sims to my game. I might need a new product code (if that's even possible). Thanks!

Edit: I was looking around on the internet, and I think someone hacked and got my serial code.

2nd Edit: I read that I have to mail you guys about getting a new serial code? I can't do that. I understand why you would want to mail it, due to it being more secure than email, but honestly, emailing me would be the best way. I believe you can find my email on my profile.

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