Re: Milestone deal popped up and 20 minutes later it's gone

by Humdinger504

Original Post

Milestone deal popped up and 20 minutes later it's gone

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro

I reached and received a milestone deal for 24k MC and 500 reels (with a 48 hour timer) about 30 minutes to and hour ago. About 20 minutes after I received it I went to the store to purchase it and lo and behold, it was gone. It said I had 48 hours to get it. It had only been about 20 minutes at that time. I waited to see if it'll pop back up, cleared my chance closed it, etc, etc to no avail. And this particular thing always happens with a milestone offer. There have been times whereI've tried to buy it right then and there, but it wouldn't go through for some reason and I'd lose it, never seeing it again. What's going on ea? How all of a sudden and where are all of these unnecessary, inconsistent consistent problems, issues, glitches and bugs come from? It has gotten progressively worse between last season and this one with no signs of getting better (or at least back to the good times) in sight.

Message 1 of 3 (436 Views)

Re: Milestone deal popped up and 20 minutes later it's gone

★ Expert
This is a problem that costs them money too. Very surprised this is even a problem.
Message 2 of 3 (422 Views)

Re: Milestone deal popped up and 20 minutes later it's gone

★★★ Pro
It's so frustrating when this happens. First of all, I don't know what's wrong with their system. I always receive these milestone offers AFTER I've actually reached said milestone. And then, when I try to buy these offers, the system doesn't register and then it ups and disappear. This has been (another) problem that has persisted all season long.
Message 3 of 3 (417 Views)

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