Re: Why is the coop vs AI so unbalanced?

by Valar81Morghulis

Original Post

Re: Why is the coop vs AI so unbalanced?

★ Expert
@grrr33nflash Nice. I see about the same kind of results usually. I'm winning about 7 to 8 games out of 10.
Message 31 of 37 (1,183 Views)

Re: Why is the coop vs AI so unbalanced?

★★★★ Novice
@XxDeepDiveJrxX I was never able to win Geonosis no matter which side I was in. Tried many ways too. The best one I had was while at Clones side, I sat on the rock near the cliff. Put anti vehicle turret and kept shooting ion torpedo on the tank. Along with explosive sentry. and used T-21 with scope to shoot the heros and troops best I can. Managed to get my team to the last flag but it's impossible to capture it since like 20 enemies spawn at once 10 meters away from it... Maybe it can be done if we had BB8.

@ArchAngeL-PCX Lightsaber heros are truly the worst choice in coop. Especially Rey since she doesn't have any ranged attack ability. Vader, Kylo and Maul is kinda good but if there is a lot of coverage you can wait and peek from the corner until the enemy wave comes close to you. Yesterday I decided to play with BB8 for the first time, (because I was very doubtful of leveling it up to 25 but since triple xp bonus active now I thought of giving it a try) I was very doubtful at the beginning but it turned out a lot better than most of the lightsaber heros lol :D The fun of fighting against BB9 while using BB8 is one side, clearing out 20 enemies under the last flag at 6 seconds is very satisfactory :D I found the little Yoda is very good though against heros because of it's additional damage to dark side heros card <3

@Valar81Morghulis If it's Geonosis, truly don't play it to win. It's nearly impossible and it's the only map I was never able to win once. At Kashyyk, when you are at the 3rd retreat, spawn with tank and drive it inside. It's too difficult to hold 3rd retreat anyway. Then just wait behind the flag and keep shooting everything comes. If you take too much damage, try using the defensive cards of the tank. You can also jump on the crashed ship right on top of the flag at put a turret on it. It doesn't do too much help but still helps with slowing down waves, forces enemy AI to keep taking cover instead of running marathon towards the flag. It's possible to win it but requires a good team focuses on objective. If they are just shooting from the behind or spawn as sniper, don't bother yourself at all :P
Message 32 of 37 (1,161 Views)

Re: Why is the coop vs AI so unbalanced?

★ Apprentice

I have won as the Republic many a times on Geonosis, but maxed out Anakin a long time ago, so I seldom him use him anymore (despite him clearly being a Top 3 H/V vs. the AI). I have also long since maxed out my Armor, so I will seldom use that either. Well, unless of course I join an ongoing game where my squad is clearly outmatched or not playing the objective.


I can win quite regularly on Kashyyyk as the Separatists with Dooku, Maul, a B2, or Droideka yet it is very difficult to do so by yourself. I have long since maxed out Bossk and Grievous so I will very rarely ever use them (despite both of them being capable of taking the final phase solo). The key to winning the final phase as the attacker on Kashyyyk is once again, competent teammates. Yeah, get on top of the LAAT or in the back of it with a lightsaber villain to help contest the objective.


I always play to win, because that is the purpose (not just "having fun") of objective based games. Farming the AI is & always will be very boring, and will never truly make you that much better at this game (or any video game). My handle on the PS4 is ValarMorghulisDL and I am legit a very, very good player and one of the best teammates on the Battlefront.


If you play on the PS4, I would be glad to help you win on Geonosis. Even if that means I would have to deploy a maxed out Heavy unit or a maxed out TX-130 on the final phase.

Message 33 of 37 (1,155 Views)

Re: Why is the coop vs AI so unbalanced?

★ Pro

One tip I learned early on is to try to be at a higher elevation than the AI troopers. For some reason they pay far less attention to you than if you were at the same elevation as them.

Message 34 of 37 (1,153 Views)

Re: Why is the coop vs AI so unbalanced?

★★★★ Novice

At the very least, that god awful bug where the AI would land every single shot with their blaster in full auto when force pulled/pushed was fixed a while back.

_That was the worst_

Co op and standard multiplayer are two different beasts - learn to master both and you're unstoppable!

Message 35 of 37 (1,130 Views)

Re: Why is the coop vs AI so unbalanced?

★★★ Novice

I maintain what I said. And after much more hours of it, I can even add a few things to it.

This is straight up bull.

The enemy heroes are over-OP. Special mention to Darth Maul who is basically a god. And most of them are much better than any you can have, even trained.

Enemies have no cooldown for respawn.They keep swarming while you have to wait to respawn.

They're straight up teleported right next to the nearest entrances of the defense point (and that I've seen many times).

You own AI allies are not just useless, they're also most of the time annoying you as much as the enemies as they keep getting in your line of fire.

Enemies don't give a rat * about anything that could block their view, therefore flash grenade is useless.

They appear in your back where there was no one a second before (witnessed that too a few times).

They shoot you through walls (that, too, I have seen more often than I wanted).

They always know where you are, and it doesn't matter if you're hidden in a room or behind a cover, they know you're there, and they will shoot you as soon as 1 millimeter of your left buttcheek appear.


But overall the main thing is the enemy heroes. They're way too OP and most of them can just come and take a defense point, and once they're there, you can't do * about it.


Message 36 of 37 (1,087 Views)

Re: Why is the coop vs AI so unbalanced?

★★★ Novice

Well, it's been more than a year, reinstalled the game this week, hoping EA would have done something.

But no, nothing has been done. AI in this mode is still insanely overpowered, they're also omniscient, they know when you're aiming at them, they always know where you are, they appear out thin air in your back, they have the aim of a sniper god, and enemy heroes would make Hercules look like a toddler.


Too bad EA, you had something different here, fun, but you vomited all over it. I wonder if it was on purpose, to push people away from it, so they'll play your PvP. In any case, coop vs AI is not even interesting. Sure, you can manage to win a game or two, but overall, the AI will ram you in the butt like a greek galley.

Message 37 of 37 (942 Views)