Re: Rematching promotes unbalanced matchmaking


Original Post

Re: Garbage matchmaking

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Pro

@tigerstyle2k2Hi, the matchmaking issue is present since ever, if I'm not mistaken there was a thread about it from @FearfulWarpII .

We currently also have a lot of new players as well as veterans who got extra copies from epic games store and are kinda smurfing right now, so basing matchmaking on player level wouldn't make much sense right now anyways.


What mode are you playing? Either way, most multiplayer modes in this game aren't very beginner friendly, which doesn't help to unlock stuff as well.


As you seem to be completely new, I recommend you to play the Co-op mode first.

You play with 3 other players against a bot team and all battlepoints and bot kills you make for each class are counting for your progress.

Means you can level up etc. just the same way as if you play a mode against human opponents only.

This way you can get familiar with all the classes, starcards and weapon unlocks.

Message 71 of 97 (907 Views)

What did I do to deserve this?! (Matchmaking Woes)

Champion (Retired)

With all these new players, PLEASE show some love for this game and give us balanced matchmaking! Please...

Message 72 of 97 (868 Views)

Rematching promotes unbalanced matchmaking

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Because there is no skill based matchmaking, what happens in the end of the match is that most of the veterans of the loser team leaves (knowing that rematch is coming) and now Bambies who do not know/care about the rematching are staying in the lobby. 


Now the veterans in the winner team stays for second round, and the half full fresh player team (previous losers) is filled with players of random skill level.


This is why you see such a huge balance differences in this game and also promotes competitive players not accepting these obvious loser filler spots which is adding even more to the issue.



Just a tip to the developers: For your next installment you seriously have to implement skill based matchmaking. This DOESN'T mean that it's supposed to be good players in different lobby than fresh players but entire team's skill/level should aim to be equal.

Message 73 of 97 (964 Views)

Re: Rematching promotes unbalanced matchmaking




Hello there! 

The matchmaking is always a problem in Star Wars Battlefront 1&2.


We even could not find a lobby (yes, we could not find just one!) after the launch of Star Wars Battlefront1.

In Star Wars Battlefront 2, luckily we could find a lobby but the balance was meh... 

Then the balancer was improved but still they have much to do.


Yeah, I want the dev to improve it too.

Also I want the cross-play feature.

(I played Apex Legends and Star Wars Squadrons, this feature is really well. Standard smile )

Message 74 of 97 (938 Views)

Re: Rematching promotes unbalanced matchmaking

★★★★ Pro

@RockIobsterYou mean modes like HvH?


If I'm not completely mistaken right now, modes like supremacy don't have a rematch and get a new map after each match instead which results in new shuffled together teams.

Message 75 of 97 (924 Views)

State of the Matchmaking Thread

Champion (Retired)

List down the matchmaking experiences on all platforms below!


On PS4 its abysmal right now. No matter which server I go to,  it’s no fun time.

Message 76 of 97 (855 Views)

Re: Rematching promotes unbalanced matchmaking

★★ Novice

I mean Galactic Assault, I don't like Supremacy that much because it drags too long and is driven by which team has less quiters.


At beginning it was cool to make some comeback but if you actually follow the scoreboard you'll realize that it's not about that you got you'r spirits up and did better on the second round, it's more about that so many people leave during these matches that it's just about whose team did't get in to the quitter loop (most of the long time players quit out if they join mid-match to losing team, so there is big chunk of the team just joining and insta quitting = missing contributing players)


Galactic Assault is way better in my opinion. It's shorter and either you win or lose as a team but at least it was that team from beginning.

Message 77 of 97 (860 Views)


[ Edited ]
★ Novice

Its absolutely terrible. I've been sitting in an empty lobby for 5 minutes only to get ONE player thrown into MY team. Seriously were you on drugs when you invented this ?

Message 78 of 97 (881 Views)

Matchmaking needs fixing!

★★ Novice

I’m relatively new to this game and I love it. However, playing galactic assault has been no fun at all. Most of the time, the opposite teams I was playing against have lots of maxed out players and my teams have maybe one if that.  Needless to say, we usually get blown out and half my team quits after a couple of minutes into the game. I have noticed the same players playing together which I believe is unfair because the best players are squading up and destroying the noobs. It would be nice if that was eliminated or you could have private games for that but in a public setting, it’s not fair. 

Message 79 of 97 (893 Views)

Re: Matchmaking needs fixing!


I feel you. Frown

The matchmaking system is always a problem.

It was improved but never be fair / good...


Message 80 of 97 (861 Views)