Sims 4 Game Faliure to Save Error 0

by madmurtaugh

Original Post

Sims 4 Game Faliure to Save Error 0

★★★ Newbie

The game was working perfectly the first time I played and then I took a break. My family was deleted and it was like I never did anything.


When I got to go play again it said that I was playing in a newer version and that now I was in an older version so i couldn't play my pervious family.


I tried making another family and then I played for about an hour or two. I tried to save again and it said 'Game failure to save. Error Code:0'


Then I took another break hoping it would fix itself. I made ANOTHER family and I tried to save right away and the same error came up.




I also have another problem. In build mode when I place down furniture it disappears and takes my money! I try to use the undo button but nothing happens and I do not get my money back.



I only had this game for one day and it sucks. I was so hyped for it but now once i get it I'm hit with all these bugs. What's the point of playing a gaem is all my progess will disappear? And the price was so much. I think this game should be sold for 5.00 dollars, not 60.00.





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