Script mods in Sims 4

by sofiaaa101

Original Post

Script mods in Sims 4

★ Novice

If i enable script mods will my data be deleted ? and is there anything that can go wrong when i enable script mods.

Message 1 of 2 (648 Views)

Re: Script mods in Sims 4

@sofiaaa101  Enabling script mods shouldn't delete anything—it's just an option that allows those mods to be loaded the next time you launch the game.  Playing with script mods can have a negative effect, however.  If you download broken our outdated mods, they can corrupt your saves, and the damage is not always fixable.


The best approach when introducing mods to your game is to start by backing up your saves.  Go into Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4, right-click on the Saves folder and select Copy, then right-click somewhere else (your desktop is fine, or inside Documents, or wherever you want) and select Paste.  Now you'll have a backup copy of all your saves if you need it.


When downloading mods, read the documentation carefully, and only use mods that have been confirmed to work with the current patch level of Sims 4.  There are many mods still out there that haven't been updated in years.  It's also a good idea to skim the comments section to see whether there are any common issues reported, and whether the mod creator has been able to address them.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 2 of 2 (636 Views)