CAS Skin Color Problems

by Tranesa24

Original Post


CAS Skin Color Problems

★★★ Newbie

Hi everyone, I'm new to the board,

I've been reading through the various posts about Windows 8 but no one seems to have my problem.  After uninstalling and reinstalling The Sims 2 Double Deluxe and its EP's (I have them all), The Sims seems to be moving a little faster.  But my problem is with CAS and picking a skin color.  When I create a family name and open up a new sim, he pops up white with black words in place of were his color should be, and I cant get any of the tones to work.  Sometimes his hair and clothes show up the same way, but they mainly have the correct color, normally its just the skin tone.  Been a fan since Sims 1, wasn't feeling Sims 3 and 4 I'm on the fence about but I have never had a problem like this before. Any solutions on a fix? 

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