Re: why should i level up to Taco

by puntwothree

Original Post

Accepted Solution

why should i level up to Taco

★ Apprentice

Why should i reach Taco !!


Hello guys,


i am now on rank 39 in Diamond league, i just want to say that there is no motivation to become taco ! specially when you start next league in Diamond,


in case i stay in Diamond i will start in gold, that will make me earn easy 250 gems (25 per rank) + 200 gems for reaching Diamond hen i reach back to lvl 39 Diamond which gives 270 gems so that sums up to 720 gems


BUT if i reach Taco now, i will  start in Diamond which will not be easy as gold and will earn 300 gems reaching to Taco (30 per level) and 250 gems for reaching Taco which sums up to 550 gems.


just give me one reason to become Taco, i even like Diamond badge better than Taco's :"D 

Message 1 of 8 (1,549 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: why should i level up to Taco

★★ Guide

I agree that leveling up to Ultimate should be more rewarding. Specifically, it should have an additional set of prizes based on final ranking. Also, final ranking should not be based on solely the number of stars, but also on winrate (there are other games that use heuristics that calculate a ranking based on a combination of winrate and number of games). 


Anyway, if you know that you are capable of always getting to Ultimate, you do get slightly more value due to the extra pack and the gems you are rewarded. If not, then maybe stick with taco at 49, because then you get those easy gems from gold.

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Message 6 of 8 (1,892 Views)

All Replies

Re: why should i level up to Taco

★ Pro

the only thing I can add is that the piñata of Taco gives you one more pack

Message 2 of 8 (1,500 Views)

Re: why should i level up to Taco

★ Apprentice
Message 3 of 8 (1,489 Views)

Re: why should i level up to Taco

★★★★ Apprentice

ive been doing this same thing for a while now. (level up to 39) im at the point where extra pack dont really mean * anymore. id rather get the gems.

when i do play ranked mode i concede matches so my oppenent can level up.

Message 4 of 8 (1,475 Views)

Re: why should i level up to Taco

★ Apprentice
Haha, i've reached 39 so i can be at least taco 😝
Message 5 of 8 (1,369 Views)

Re: why should i level up to Taco

★★ Guide

I agree that leveling up to Ultimate should be more rewarding. Specifically, it should have an additional set of prizes based on final ranking. Also, final ranking should not be based on solely the number of stars, but also on winrate (there are other games that use heuristics that calculate a ranking based on a combination of winrate and number of games). 


Anyway, if you know that you are capable of always getting to Ultimate, you do get slightly more value due to the extra pack and the gems you are rewarded. If not, then maybe stick with taco at 49, because then you get those easy gems from gold.

Message 6 of 8 (1,893 Views)

Re: why should i level up to Taco

★★★ Guide
I must say, I’m experiencing an unexpected craving for hard-shelled corn tortillas.
Message 7 of 8 (1,256 Views)

Re: why should i level up to Taco

EA app Team
Hi everyone,

I have removed a few posts from this thread because they were personal attacks, or not in English.

I know you can keep it on topic from now on, and that you also know you should be respectful to each other on Answers HQ, so I'm keeping the thread open. If it goes in the same direction again, however, I'll have to lock it.

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Message 8 of 8 (1,139 Views)