Re: Upgrades' Descriptions are Too Vague. "briefly" "short time&q

by Clumsybobble

Original Post

Upgrades' Descriptions are Too Vague. "briefly" "short time" "chance" ...etc

★★★★ Guide

There seem to be many upgrade descriptions that never give the precise information you need to know.


For example, you say:

"Faster refresh time for all abilities by earning a critical vanquish."

Faster by how long? -3 seconds? -5 seconds?


"Enemies randomly explode when earning a critical vanquish."

Randomly? What are my chances here? 50%? 35%? Explode and then what? Deal how much damage to surroundings? What is the radius like? 


"Briefly reduce incoming damage by earning a critical vanquish. Can stack 3 times."

By what percentage?



I know that you can try it out and see for yourself, but understanding the exact amount is essential in deciding whether an upgrade is worth it or not.


By not including precise information you are doing the following:

  • Making people who are in communities who test those things and try them out more powerful than players who aren't exposed to that precise information. (For example, community folks would create spreadsheets with all the precises information which would give people who are curious about things more power over the players who aren't part of the community and have no knowledge of what's going on.)
  • When you, PopCap, decide to tune balance those upgrades, it might be difficult for all of us to know how it got balanced. After all, not all people actually read patch notes. And it might affect those who don't.
  • It is just inconvenient, for the players, to seek a 3rd party for an information baked into the code that you could've just added a reference to it. For example, you can just change all descriptions to "Reduce the health regeneration delay by $HPdelay %." The $HPdelay would automatically reflect whatever you have baked into the code. Changing it would automatically change the description as well. This would also mean that you won't have to change other translations manually every time you change the value.
  • It is difficult to understand what you're up against when you don't know how fast or slow or long things are for heroes you haven't leveled up. (that means I couldn't try those heroes to see for myself how powerful an ability could be.)
  • Balance discussions can be "off" when players don't know how "powerful" "weak" upgrades are. People would stop looking at the "bigger picture" of things and have a narrow field. Basically, most discussions in these forums and everywhere revolve around unleveled up heroes and limited experience with certain upgrades, which you, PopCap, might have an entirely different vision of when you designed and balanced the heroes.
Message 1 of 4 (386 Views)

Re: Upgrades' Descriptions are Too Vague. "briefly" "short time&q

★★★★★ Apprentice

Yes, please tell us what the upgrades actually -do- in numbers instead of vague words. It would make it way easier to decide if an Upgrade is worth the cost if we actually knew this..

Message 2 of 4 (327 Views)

Re: Upgrades' Descriptions are Too Vague. "briefly" "short time&q

★★★★★ Expert

Thank you bringing this up. I keep forgetting to ask about some of these. Is it better to have a permanent speed increase at all times barring sprint, or do you get a larger brief burst from the one that occurs after a vanquish?


We need actual empirical data so we can make better informed decisions.

Message 3 of 4 (303 Views)

Re: Upgrades' Descriptions are Too Vague. "briefly" "short time&a

★★★★★ Apprentice
@Iron_Guard8 About Speedy. I have had similar questions.

For example, is Speedy just flat out better than the Speed Increase upgrades while using a specific ability? (ie: Explosive Cask or Mega Space Laser) Or do the upgrades that give you Speed while using those abilities make you fast enough that might be worth it?

From what I've tested, which hasn't been much tbh, they are about the same amount of speed increase. So if you are looking to increase your movement speed, take Speedy. Those Upgrades you took your time to unlock? Pointless. Because they only increase your speed to Speedy levels during those abilities instead of at all times outside of sprinting.

Unless they can stack? Is that worth the points though?
Message 4 of 4 (295 Views)