Re: Missing Content: Final Plant Hero from Quest

by xxxxxGH0STxxxxx

Original Post

Missing Content: Final Plant Hero from Quest

★★★ Newbie



I am raising this issue again because there seems to be a confusion between this forum and support team.



These are the things that support tells us


  1. Support tells us to raise issue in Answers HQ since developers are here to check the issue. Then from this forum, the community managers/EA tell us to raise a ticket to support. This just goes on a loop without any concrete answer to this issue
  2.  Support also tells us to finish a new mission and then the final hero from the quest will just pop magically into our account. Well, this is not true. I am already on the 17th mission on plants and I haven't gotten even a glimpse of the final hero
  3. Support tells us to "level up" our account. My account is already at level 18 and I think I have leveled enough to see if the final plant hero comes out. Alas, there is none
  4. Support provides 100 gems compensation to some. Well, 100 gems is not enough since a hero actually costs 750 gems. Lousy compensation for a missing content. Support could have solved this by just giving the missing content OR just providing us with 750 gems.

I am getting sick and tired of all of these answers from Support/EA . This is just so disappointing. There are a lot of open threads with similar issues and I have read them all and no one has gotten a real solution to this issue. I am now contemplating of buying packs because there could be missing content as well as far as EA Support goes, it sucks period. There is no resolution to this issue. There is no investigation even.


A great game needs great support. This game could have been great but yeah, you get the point.

Message 1 of 3 (250 Views)

Re: Missing Content: Final Plant Hero from Quest

★★★ Newbie

Same issues as this guy has, nothing to add.

Message 2 of 3 (210 Views)

Re: Missing Content: Final Plant Hero from Quest

★★★ Newbie

Same exact problem.

Message 3 of 3 (174 Views)