Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

by Borealys

Original Post

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

★ Guide

Yeah, Liara never said the war was lost, just that she feared it would be, with ties in with ME3 where she made essentially a black box for their history for the next races to find.


For the Reapers going to Andromeda I actually find that easy to picture. They're thorough and wouldn't likely want that to slip through the cracks; remember in their own perverse way they feel they are saving the Milky Way races. 


Also, given they wait 50k years what is 600 to them? If the arks can make the trip it will be easy for a Reaper given how much more advanced they are. And if they knew of the arks, they would likely know the Initiative has little in the way of defense. I would a single reaper could probably take it out. 

Message 31 of 46 (2,046 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

★★★★★ Novice

@AeromusPrime22 wrote:

For the Reapers going to Andromeda I actually find that easy to picture. They're thorough and wouldn't likely want that to slip through the cracks; remember in their own perverse way they feel they are saving the Milky Way races. 


Also, given they wait 50k years what is 600 to them? If the arks can make the trip it will be easy for a Reaper given how much more advanced they are. And if they knew of the arks, they would likely know the Initiative has little in the way of defense. I would a single reaper could probably take it out. 

The problem with this is how would they get there?


The Reapers are essentially stranded in dark space without a mass relay to retrieve them, otherwise there would have been no need for Sovereign, or the Collectors and various other fail-safes, as they could just fly in under their own power by setting off in time to arrive for each 50,000 year cycle. It very much seems as if the mass relays are as much a weakness as they are a strength to the Reapers, as they appear to be entirely dependent upon them to travel long distances; their main advantage is that they have control over the technology, and wipe out the Milky Way races before they achieve that same level of mastery (though the Protheans seemed to have gotten close).


We also know that the Reapers aren't all-knowing; they failed to wipe out the Protheans on Ilos, who succeeded in going unnoticed, but they underestimated how long it would take for the Reapers to withdraw, causing them to run out of power for their stasis system. If they had had larger power reserves on Ilos then the Prothean race could have survived the last cycle.

Message 32 of 46 (2,032 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

@holger1405Very true i stand corrected. I guess there's a whole lot of what if's

Message 33 of 46 (2,026 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

★ Guide
@Haravikk The same way the arks got there, using propulsion. If the far less advanced milky way races do it it would be unreasonable to assume the reapers couldnt. As for the mass relays, it possible they need it for the sneak attack rather than being dependent on it.

The reapers arent all knowing, I was just saying if they did find out they would likely go after the Initiative.
Message 34 of 46 (2,015 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

@AeromusPrime22 wrote:
The same way the arks got there, using propulsion.

The Arks were developed specifically to do this however; they are essentially giant ram scoops with a drive capable of taking the scooped particles to power/propel the ship, with a drive adapted to do this without exploding. While there's a lot that was still unknown about the Reapers, there's no reason to assume they were ever built to operate that way (why would they be?); they'd need to either adapt themselves for the long distance, or create a purpose built Reaper specifically for the pursuit.


On a similar basis, there's no reason to assume that the Reapers would even bother; they were tasked with "preserving" life in the Milky Way. While they're not simply machines they are still essentially slaves to that imperative (remember, they can be controlled by the Citadel/Crucible/Starchild, so they don't truly have free will).


I think if the Reapers could/wanted to pursue, then the Andromeda Initiative would have failed long before it arrived, unless the Benefactor succeeded in scrubbing all records as the Protheans did with Ilos.



I mean, it could be kind of cool to have the Initiative face off against a Reaper, e.g- if one pursued the Quarian Ark but was unable to catch up to it. Especially with all the implications that could have (learning what they are, the Initiative learning what might have happened to the Milky Way etc.) as well as the tensions with the Angara of having brought such a threat, maybe even luring it into conflict with the Kett before somehow using the Remnant to bring it down.


But on the other hand, there's a reason the game is set in a new galaxy, to get away from that baggage. It was cool finding out that the Benefactor knew about the threat, and that was what motivated them to back the Initiative, but beyond that I think it's better just to leave them in the past.

Message 35 of 46 (2,006 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

@Haravikk  schrieb:


On a similar basis, there's no reason to assume that the Reapers would even bother; they were tasked with "preserving" life in the Milky Way. While they're not simply machines they are still essentially slaves to that imperative (remember, they can be controlled by the Citadel/Crucible/Starchild, so they don't truly have free will).


This! ^^


The Reapers are not evil beings that are set to destroy non synthetic life. What the do is evil from a human point of view of course, but they just follow the logic of an AI, and nothing in the narrative of Mass Effect implies that they are interested at things behind the Milky Way.


This is a players helping players forum, I don't work for EA.
Dies ist ein Spieler helfen Spielern Forum, ich arbeite nicht für EA.

Death closes all: but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.
Ulysses - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Message 36 of 46 (1,991 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

★★★ Novice

Always amazing to see someone defend a fascist racist terrorist group. When in doubt invent your own "moral ambiguity" amirite? Ignore Cerebus' willingness to experiment on live captives, traffic children, murder political opposition and oppose law when it suits it! That's all relative and I'm sure the Asari are doing the same thing right now. Absence of proof is not proof of absence.


How very Post-Modern of you.


Oh and the repeated invocation of "fanbois." A thing so childish it's meant to be beyond demands for proof. Look at that outrage! It must be legitimate! Isn't reality subjective and thus opinion beyond reason?!


But on topic ME:A clearly wants to be a good game. The action's faster and more fluid, the worlds fantastical, there's a deeper theme of the meaning of belief clearly being set up, the characters are generally well defined and quirky and compelling mystery abounds. As presentation goes the voice acting is a minimum passable and the music is generally excellent. ME:A's title is positively hypnotic.


But I'm not sure it is a good game.


I usually tell friends to try Andromeda. There is magic in it, there is what you buy Bioware for: immersion. The sense of getting lost in an Other Place, conflict over real stakes.

But **** me the bugs. And worse the things I'm not sure are bugs. Case in point: do shotguns have stagger? Stagger isn't a statistic but it wasn't in ME3 either. I favor the Disciple a shotgun characterized by it's higher than average stopping power relative to it's weight.

In Andromeda it has zero.

Now the weapon's description is different. No stagger is mentioned. The Rhuzad is supposed to have stagger and plenty of it. Not that this is represented by a number or anything. I'd expect that as a general rule shotguns would have stagger and lots of it. They sure did in ME3; it was obviously necessary to make the weapon type viable. If you have to get close to things disabling their capacity to kill you at normal speeds is valuable.


Apparently not.

Or is it bugged? Or, like my Sentinel's durability values -750/750- just not what I think it is? I think the durability role with the durability powers should be hard to kill. I sure as hell was in ME3's mp and the only badge I don't have is Nomad -and if you know what it takes to get Nomad you can guess why.


But Andromeda's got too many cases like that. Does this weapon work? Or is it meant to be just grossly disappointing? What about those Shaders? Why do they need constant and exhaustive rebuilding.

Why is my Collector's Edition Retail Copy of Mass Effect: Andromeda now a trial version?

Why is this otherwise competently designed game such a total dumpster fire of frustration and malfunction?

I mean obvious beyond Electronic Arts shipping it before it was done.

Two and half years ago.


So there we have it, there I am. Later tonight I will fire up my positively dusty PS3, muddle through 30-40ish rounds of multiplayer at barely 30fps, and have a great time because even for it's bugs and clumsy combat it's the very highest art of cooperative play. Fighting a good fight against true evil for the simplest of reasons: the right to live.


I'll take that over getting soul-burned that Corporate Fascist Daddy's plans to strip humanity of it's humanity were a result of his hilariously stupid plan to Indoctrinate himself, visible from literally the very first moment we see his face, any and indeed every day.

Message 37 of 46 (1,905 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

There was also that whole announced conspiracy to sabotage ME:A because "SJW'S AND FEMINAZIS ARE RUINING MASS EFFECT!!!111" and the subsequent abuse, doxxing, and general terrorizing of Bioware Montreal. And then the constant launch day rumors that ME:A was bricking HD's, no it's erasing mobo drivers, no it's brainwashing your children with Cultural Marxism!

FOX news even did a global news segment. Go ahead, look it up. I'll wait. ME is LGBTQ propaganda, that was their story.


And of course it worked. Fed partially by EA's catastrophic launch, by gaming media in an OUTRAGE FRENZY over graphic glitches like the faces thing, and by the game clearly being unfinished today and right now despite at one point outselling everything else EA had to offer,




EA did the sensible thing and gave the terrorists what they wanted.


And here we are.


OP is 100% right. Even the very justified rage about ME3's awful initial ending proved as much. Who did the players blame? Bioware. Not EA, not the publisher many of them literally consider to be the worst corporation on Earth, not the people demanding Mass Effect 3 ship unfinished like they do with everything more complex that APEX Legends, lolz, no no they blamed the story teller because when you spend decades of work and hundreds of millions of dollars producing a blockbuster sci-fi epic what you really intend is to let everyone down at the literal apex of your trilogy with a shrug and a "meh, colors bro."

We are the reasons why we don't get nice things.

Message 38 of 46 (1,901 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

★ Apprentice

I love ME:A as well and I think the issue a lot of folks had with it is that, while it had combat sure, it focused more on exploration and such... which I had zero problems with and really enjoyed. ME1-2-3 players were so used to story and combat instead of the story and exploration focus that ME:A had, that they felt like they were being cheated (they weren't) out of "their" game (they don't own it). I can appreciate and respect the decision Bioware made in the route they took for the game, but I (like others I'm sure) wish there were DLC released. For me, it would have been regarding the Arks we never saw, more Remnant related deeper story missions, and even more Kett splinter groups stories, etc.

Message 39 of 46 (1,643 Views)

Re: This game is a clear example of WTF is wrong with Gamers Today....

★★★ Novice

So I fire up Andromeda, click RESUME and get "blah blah data cannot be loaded because it's from the full version of the game and this is the trial."

God damn it, EA.

Message 40 of 46 (1,565 Views)