How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MUT.

by CWade580

Original Post


How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MUT.

★★ Novice
I played a guy today and I looked at his ranking compared to mine and I have played twice as many games as him and my win to loss margin was way higher but he still had almost the same ranking as me and almost the same amount of points. So just wondering if you could help me figure out why that is?
Message 1 of 10 (53,179 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MUT.

Community Manager



It is possible the ranking of your opponents is a factor so if you play a relatively small number of matches against highly ranked players and win, your ranking will be high. Conversely, if you win lots of matches against relatively low ranked players your ranking will not be so high. This is just conjecture as I do not have access to the exact ranking algorithm.

Message 2 of 10 (53,145 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MU

★★ Novice
Makes sense! Thanks for the response!
Message 3 of 10 (53,137 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MU

Community Manager



You are welcome.

Message 4 of 10 (53,128 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MU

★★★ Newbie

Hi I’m just wondering like I’m 32 games over I have 11,000 ranking points but I’m not ranked I played guys with less wins than me and less ranking points but they have a rank

Message 5 of 10 (48,245 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MU

★★★ Novice

There's a threshold for disconnects and quitting. You have to be above a certain percentage 

Message 6 of 10 (47,642 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MU

★★★ Newbie

as in conceding?

Message 7 of 10 (46,488 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MU

★★★ Newbie

How do I use the ranking points? I have 13,373 total...

Message 8 of 10 (45,262 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MU

★★★ Newbie
@KVNGSHYT I’m pretty sure you have a rank it’s just not showing it cuz my opponent was in the top 2000 and I had no ranking even tho I literally beat him 35-0. Also my record is 143-132 and his is 140-132 so I have to be ranked
Message 9 of 10 (14,102 Views)

Re: How does the points and rankings work on regular online head to head? Not MU

Community Manager

Hey, all.

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Message 10 of 10 (14,049 Views)