Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

by join1991

Original Post

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★ Apprentice
@join1991 Okey, I think I've tried everything too. They don't even want to write back anymore and can't even admit that it's their faul. Have you tried to check on another account?
Message 71 of 87 (934 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★★ Novice
@szymmcio We will just have to play the waiting game for now until they fix it.
Message 72 of 87 (925 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★ Apprentice
@david51706 Unfortunately, they won't fix it. If we do not press them, we will not call, write wherever possible, they will not do anything. It can be fixed in a couple of days, and they've been screwing us for two months
Message 73 of 87 (906 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★ Novice
@szymmcio If I tried with another account... with another internet... I even took the xbox 360 to my brother's house who has another internet company and he works on his ps4 at home... and me on my xbox doesn't. .. no way
Message 74 of 87 (864 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★ Apprentice
@join1991 @david51706 Call them on the hotline and explain the whole problem. I called, but unfortunately in my country these people from the hotline are strange and when I say that the problem is not caused by the Internet connection, they send advanced attempts to solve the connection problem. Because as you can see, no one answers us here anymore. I don't even want to write back to them
Message 75 of 87 (816 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★★ Novice
@szymmcio Today marks the second month since this issue, no news.
Message 76 of 87 (788 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★ Apprentice
@david51706 No one will answer us in this forum. You have to start a new one. Someone start a new topic
Message 77 of 87 (759 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★ Novice
@szymmcio some news??
Message 78 of 87 (599 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★ Apprentice
@join1991 None. Nobody answers me. Now, I have little time, unfortunately, and I don't have the strength to fight for them to fix it
Message 79 of 87 (583 Views)

Dot.: EAS fc servers are currently unavailable.

★★★★★ Novice
@szymmcio EA are scheduling a maintenance on all FIFA servers, 16-22, on september 19 and 20, hopefully they fix the issue with this maintenance. 😃
Message 80 of 87 (554 Views)