Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

by EA_Archi

Original Post

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

★★★ Newbie
Hi, I have really simple question about new game idea. What do you think about creation of new part of the Lord of the Rings: The battle for Middle Earth?
Question is why to continue in this long time ago closed idea. After 6 years this game has still its own fans and they make new balances, debugs and improvements of the Witch-King datadisc, becouse it still is one of the best strategy games now. This game is unique in very easy controls and infinity opportunities.
Here is the web page of Rise of the Witch King fans:
The Lord of the Rings is still actual theme in the reason of Hobbit films. I think it could be the best strategy game ever, if you make some news:
New factions: Men = Rohan + Gondor + Numenor, Elven = Mirkwood + Lorien ..., Goblins = Moria + Lonely Mountain goblins +..., Hobbits, Istari, Morgoth's faction, Wildman... It can has some story connections, but less than ROTWK disc. And why must be karma only good or evil?
Upgrade create a hero system - this part of game has enormous potential - new hero types, much more spells, graphic details and possibilites...
More powers, more resource gathering possibilities and a lot of other funs ideas.

I wrote this becouse of me and my group are playing this game always on holidays and we still didn't find better strategy for online or LAN plays. Second reason is, this is our first game we bought as original, and it is one more than most of my friends. I just dont like other strategy games - Starcrafts, Command and Conqueror, Company of Heroes and lot of others. These games are just too complicated and I like slogan Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Sorry for my english, it was torture to write it :-)
Tell me your opinions about rise of Lord of the Rings strategy games.
Thank you.
40 people had this problem has there been news on this after 3 years? Thx if you reply bye
Message 161 of 199 (1,638 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

Community Manager (retired)

Hi @TKtimstar,


We recognize and appreciate the effort that goes into game and product ideas and submissions. We have thousands of employees worldwide who are constantly generating and developing games and new game features. Some of these ideas see the light of day, but many do not. Because of our creative scope, we do not accept unsolicited product ideas or game concepts from people outside of Electronic Arts.


If you are interested in joining the EA team and you are over the age of eighteen, visit to view our current job openings. If you are thinking about pursuing an education in interactive entertainment, check out

Message 162 of 199 (1,638 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

★★★ Newbie

agreed, agreed, agreed, agreed........

Message 163 of 199 (1,638 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

★ Novice

I agree so much with this. BfmE 2 was such an amazing game, not too hard, easily accessable for beginners and great to LAN with. I love fantasy RTS games but there are so few good ones. 


However I would like to take the oppurtunity to  post a different idea:

The 2nd game was for most people amazing and still is. So why not continue with that game? Remastering the game would cost way less resources and still give people the nostalgia of the original. Next to that, it could function as a base to build further on. Expansion could be further released on it. 


However in on the earliest posts I read that EA doesn't hold the license anymore and I can understand it wouldn't technicly be worth it to get such a big license back for such a relative small release. But wouldn't getting a license for it also mean you could also work on high end releases like the Shadow of Mordor release? 


Anyway, I'dd love to hear from you Standard smile Greetings!

Message 164 of 199 (1,540 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

Community Manager (retired)

Hello @Rirando and thank you for your post.


All this license acquiring thing can be very complicated, and frankly speaking, I don`t know if we will ever see another Middle-earth game from EA in foreseeable future. And I do agree with you about second part being the best, IMHO of course.





Message 165 of 199 (1,536 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I've seen all the current license holders for Middle Earth Enterprises' Licenses and EA is clearly shown in the list here: ( ), if this game is so popular as to have 17 pages of comments on it. I see it as fitting to start a petition. Such a petition will be linked here: Petition removed Community is what makes these types of things happen. so lets do it!

Message 166 of 199 (1,479 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

Community Manager (retired)

Hello @GrimeyVII 


I am really sorry, but our forum rules do not allow users to post petitions here. Our main goal is to help players get the most of EA games. There are a lot of other ways to promote your petition in the web.




Message 167 of 199 (1,467 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

★★★ Newbie

Thank you very much for your reply. 


It has been a few years so have there been any updates on the Battle for middle earth licence?

BFME2 is the BEST game of all time. I happily paid a few hundred for it and the expansion years ago for PC and have talked my friends into doing the same so we can have LAN parties on it. 


I was just curious if this is something that will be looked into again because it sensually was the best game of its time....

Message 168 of 199 (1,281 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

★★★ Newbie



As we mentioned before, EA didn't have the license to develop a new game about the Lord of the Rings. But as you can see, EA NOW currently holds the license again, so having a huge market demand with this game, you people in EA should frankly consider the possibility of making it. I add a capture as today 11/1/2017 EA appears as one of business with the lords of the rings license. 

Message 169 of 199 (1,250 Views)

Re: The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 3

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee make The Battle for Middle-earth 3 GREAT AGAIN!

Message 170 of 199 (2,571 Views)