Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

by tearlywine93

Original Post

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

★★★ Newbie
I have had issues all day on PS4. Does not allow for Freeplay or quick play. In the middle of a mission just stopped working. Quite a few times I had to kill the game and re-start. I do not think the game is working very well. I can accept a few of these but multiple times an hour.
Message 1421 of 1,975 (265 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

★★★ Newbie

PlayStation Console: ps4

PSN ID: niddk

Crash Info: I don't remember when it happened exactly but I think it was during a loading screen. 

No specific steps to turn it on just had to wait about a minute. 

Yes I reported it.

Message 1422 of 1,975 (260 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

★★ Novice
30 minutes after I typed this I powered up my PS4 to run a stronghold or two before bed and I got as far as the Javelin launch load screen before Ending back up at the Sony " An error has occurred" screen. I'm trying BioWare/EA but maybe the launch should have been delayed! You have two very big looter shooters releasing content or full games within a week or two and you are no where ready to compete for player base yet.
Message 1423 of 1,975 (253 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

★★★★★ Newbie



The game either freezes the PS4 up, requiring a hard reset, or runs so slow that I have to restart the program and wait for the game to load all over again. This is not on any schedule, known pattern or predictable occurance. I have been playing since the "VIP BETA", I HAD NO ISSUES then, but now I haven't touched the game in a few days as its just garbage and a physical display of how much EA really does think of the gamers. its like when EA attempts to fix one thing, EA destroys 5 more... How EA has fallen so low.....

Message 1424 of 1,975 (308 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

PlayStation Console: regular PS4


PSN ID: ghost_koko


Crash Info: My PS4 has never crashed before this. It has crashed twice in the last week when I've tried to quit out of Anthem. I've had to wait several minutes before my PS4 will turn back on and then let it go through the systems check. On a few more occasions it has booted me from the game at the end of a mission without giving me my loot.


Have you reported your crash data when prompted? Yes. 

Message 1425 of 1,975 (291 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

PSN: Kickdrum11


Playstation: PS4 and PS4 Pro


I have had to delete this game because ever since I downloaded it my PS4 wouldn't work properly and would nat type me in all of my parties and kick me off of all of my online games. After i deleted the game all of my problems magically went away. Either you guys fix this game or you refund me all of my $100 that I paid.

Message 1426 of 1,975 (286 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

★★★ Newbie

PS4 Pro and Original launch PS4


When - I have had it happen at least half a dozen or more times. At least 3 times while trying to end application. Hard crash. Controller button unresponsive. Have to go to console push power. It beeps and does nothing. Second power button press starts PS4 again. The others were before missions, after missions, during missions. Completely random. This jas happened on both consoles.


Crash report - Yes when given option. I eventually just started writing, "Anthem ..."

Message 1427 of 1,975 (271 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

★★★ Newbie

Ps4 pro 




Crashed when trying to leave application.  Had to rebuild database after this occured last friday yes i did report my crash

Message 1428 of 1,975 (271 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

★★★ Novice

PS4 pro



It crashed after I completed a contract. Instead of seeing the exp, and new gear I earned after completion it showed all four javelin suits just standing there. Sadly this wasn't the first time it froze on me at this screen point so after some light cursing I began my normal process of closing the app and hoping all my loot would be waiting for me in my forge. After closing the app my whole system turned off. I pushed my PS4 button to turn my system back on but it did not. Instead my controller just flashed as if trying to sync with something. I waited like 20-30 seconds and nothing. After waiting a minute, nothing. Since there was no response what-so-ever from my PS4 I unplugged it from the back and plugged it back in. It finally responded but the damage was done. So frustrated.

Message 1429 of 1,975 (269 Views)

Re: PS4 Crashing Info Gathering

★★★ Newbie

Hi. I picked up anthem today and am having the same problem. I got half an hour into playing and the game crashed saying there was an error. I own the original PS4 console. 

PSN - forbesy9 

- took place in the first arcanist mission halfway through. 


Did not report when the wrror came up.

Message 1430 of 1,975 (319 Views)