Packet loss

by Anonymous

Original Post

Packet loss



I wonder when EA Sports is trying to find a solution to the problem.

Always one gets said:
It would be at the PS4
On the line


I have times outrace and had at an IP address 8% Packet losses,
Provider was EA Sports

I can not imagine anyway since I HUT only play offline which it can be because of it,

For me personally it is at the Game Play itself, because the whole errors occur only in the level professional and superstar.

- fellow players always try to pinch / drive me and the targeted
- Comrades are running away from the puck first
- My player has to stop before he moves to the puck
Or sprinting, he only suddenly slides until the opponent is close enough, then he starts to sprint again
- after a check my player can not accept the puck, drives around the puck or over
- why my keeper (Gameplay controlled) runs out of the gate useless; Gets even sometimes 2 min because of game delay, if this takes the puck

Etc. Etc

For me, the players do not have the values ​​for which you are buying
And the synergy also has no influence on the values

I have 13 synergy activated, many teams synergy

Ang: 97 Ver: 96 Goal: 95
Best Player: Letang: 94 (Team of the Week)
Message 1 of 2 (1,941 Views)

Re: Packet loss

Community Manager



Fully power down your console and router, disconnect the power physically to be sure. Leave it disconnected for a minute and then reconnect the power to both and power them back on and check if this power cycling of your hardware (which resets your connection) has improved your connectivity.

Message 2 of 2 (1,905 Views)