Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2

by Himanshu112233

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Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2

★★★ Novice

In Samara's loyalty mission when you talk to Morinth there are some conversation options that are missing like "Expel 10 band", "Halex" and some other options. First I thought maybe they were removed in an update. But I have seen the most recent video about it and the option is available there. I don't know weather it is a glitch or the files are not downloaded properly. If someone knows what's going on please give a solution to this problem.

Message 1 of 9 (2,696 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2


Those options only appear if you've had specific conversations about them earlier. There are some dialog options that unlock by going through Nef's stuff in her apartment room. The Expel 10 option comes from the guy near the entrance of the VIP area who is looking to score tickets.

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Message 2 of 9 (2,879 Views)

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Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2


Those options only appear if you've had specific conversations about them earlier. There are some dialog options that unlock by going through Nef's stuff in her apartment room. The Expel 10 option comes from the guy near the entrance of the VIP area who is looking to score tickets.

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Message 2 of 9 (2,880 Views)

Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

I am sorry for wasting your time. I didn't go through everything in Nef's room and didn't talk to that guy.

Message 3 of 9 (2,672 Views)

Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2

★★★★★ Expert

@Himanshu112233; Thank you for being honest about what happened.

Message 4 of 9 (2,656 Views)

Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Newbie

@Fred_vdp @Hi, I have a similar problem with this mission. For some reason the "Art" dialog option isn't available during my conversation with Morinth in the VIP area. I already got all the clues from the victim's apartment but I still cant get the "Art" option to appear. Can you help me with this

Message 5 of 9 (1,982 Views)

Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2


If you looked at the sculpture by the elcor artist Forta, then normally the "art" dialog option should trigger. If it doesn't, you found a bug I'm not familiar with.


If you have enough persuasion skills, you can still get a good outcome in this mission by picking some of the wrong options and talking your way out of it.

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Message 6 of 9 (1,962 Views)

Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2

★★★★★ Newbie

Is it the sculpture on the table? Because I already looked at that, as well as the other items in the apartment. Samara also knows about Forta when I asked her to review the intel we gathered but I still cant get the Art option. If this really is some weird bug, I guess I'll just have to do some save editing lol. Thanks for the help anyway.

Message 7 of 9 (1,955 Views)

Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2



Yes, the sculpture on the table in the corner.

But there's also a datapad on the floor where Morinth talks about her love for the artist, did you listen to that too?



This is a players helping players forum, I don't work for EA.
Dies ist ein Spieler helfen Spielern Forum, ich arbeite nicht für EA.

Death closes all: but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.
Ulysses - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Message 8 of 9 (1,910 Views)

Re: Some conversation options missing in Mass Effect 2

★★★★★ Newbie

Yes, that and I also read all the diary entries. I looked at all 3 items in the room. This is actually my 2nd playthrough and I had no problems the first time I did this mission. Maybe I did something differently that triggered a bug or something idk. I once triggered a glitch where a character would not show up on their spot, but i fixed that by simply reloading. Idk about this one though.

Message 9 of 9 (1,901 Views)