Ring Pull Feedback

by Red_Fox_Skulk

Original Post

Ring Pull Feedback

★★★★ Guide

So after quite a few games, I have been enjoying the new ring pull change. It is no longer predictable, but it does have a few issues where you will sometimes get stuck against a mountain. I had never had it happen to me before S6 while everyone complained about it in S5 and previous seasons, and one of the first few games I played it happened. I wasn't on the high ground, but the ring forced the enemy team to come down off their ledge to be obliterated by us. I felt bad for them, and I feel like it should've favored them. Don't get me wrong, it was still pretty intense to take them down, but we had a very uneventful game besides clutching the end.


Allow me to set the scene. The kill leader and their teammate are standing on the high ground, shooting down at some enemies that are having issues trying to peek them. The enemy team still has all 3 members and they lost their third a few minutes ago at a pretty intense battle. The kill leader prepares to take out the enemies, but a Bangalore tosses a perfect ultimate to cover the enemies escape. Shoot. They regroup and prepare to take the ring, but the enemy has already claimed it and the only way down to them is to go through the storm. How do you counter this? Push hard and hope that you can take enough of the high ground to eliminate the enemy. The plan fails miserably as the enemy hears their footsteps and goes in for an easy set of kills. What went wrong? The ring. That stupid thing didn't favor a squad with 2 people and instead favored the low ground for the squad with 3 people.


As the last line says, the ring favored us by forcing them off of the high ground while we already got to push along the low ground. I feel like when it gets to the last 5 squads, the ring should change its algorithm to favor the lowest number of people in an area. For instance all squads have their three memebers, but 3 squads are along one side of the current ring and the other two are closer to the middle. The ring favors the squad farthest from 3 about to get into a ground war by going close to them. This forces those 3 squads to fight for the chance to get into the ring so they can attempt to win. The other two squads then have a chance to loot up and prepare for the upcoming fight. Then lets say that only one of those squads survives and has 1 member left. This 1 member should be favored for the next ring, causing the other two squads to fight and giving the solo a chance to either respawn their teammates or third-party for a win. At the end of that game, the ring should've favored the top of trials, forcing us to be out in the open and easier to pick off for the enemy team.

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