Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

by Igeere1

Original Post

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

★★★★ Novice
@s0apt0ken It is true crypto can now respawn teammates. But is the take away equal to the addition? I would say not because: The Emp was something that could be used for imminent danger and during battles (battles the primary portion of the game). You may or may not get a chance to respawn a team in a game. Now the Emp might as well not exist. Second, In rank that skill is useless. As soon a teammate is respawn, in platinum up and most gold games, your team is immediately obliterated.
Message 61 of 69 (533 Views)

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

★★ Apprentice

Yeah whatever, I came here chilling, giving my opinion, not even really thinking about  what this or that could do, but you didn't like my opinion and tried to discredit me taking point by point why "your trash" that's basically what I understand when you speaking. You could have given your own opinion and that would have been interesting, but your so obsessed in being right you had to do this, you could have said, "no I THINK it should be like this" and it would have been fine.

Even tho I tried to put an end to these pointless threads you continued because your so obsessed in being right, you'll probably gonna take everything I said and be like "gneueu no IT HAS TO BE LIKE THIS STUPID RAT" I didnt even try to argue it's just so annoying to come here saying something and someone is not okay with that so he is just descrediting everything you say. Btw YOU said I was discrediting ? Did you even read your threads ???? You are the one who is doing this, just read your threads again! "Funny how.. Funnier how...or the use of a meme, and you are still trying to .. Wait what is the point of all of this ?? Ah it's about Crypto... Yes that's probably why you were talking about me not doing or doing things, because I am not here to be right I don't want to overthink, I don't care. And maybe you are just the kind of people who are just here to annoy people, even someone else tried to tell you you got to far, but with your obsession of being right, you just didnt listen and said " gneeueueueu your just a white knight trying to..." bro listen if you are not capable of understanding how much annoying this is, how much of a * you are and all of this because you just are not okay with my opinion ? Do you come from reddit ? Like any other opinion that is not yours is trash ? At this point I am just done, you are just looking for the litle annoying things to say to make me speak more, my curiosity made me continue this, idk I just wanted to tell you what I had to tell you. Now make your final thread about me being dumb and all, not paying attention to other threads even tho i dont even understand what you mean by this, I read every thread before even giving my opinion. Or just you and your simps trying to convince me.. Idk what were you trying to do ? What was I supposed to do ? I could have been provocating like you, im english I don't know how to express that,  i could have taunt you, acting like im super smart like you were acting.


Anyway do what you want, at this point idk why mods didn't delete all of this sh***

Message 62 of 69 (498 Views)

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

★ Guide
That took a dark turn
Message 63 of 69 (495 Views)

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

Community Manager
Hey all, while I am not going to lock this thread just yet I am close to doing so.

This is the one and only warning, if the back and forth that has ongoing in this thread continues then the thread will be locked and players actioned.

It is never acceptable to post in a manner that is rude or unconstructive and if unsure how to post then please read the AHQ User Rules and Guidelines before posting again:

Message 64 of 69 (476 Views)

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

★★ Apprentice

Btw I meant "in english" not im english... Im english doesnt make any sense in this contexte cuz I don't speak correctly english lol.


Anyway good decision

Message 65 of 69 (443 Views)

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

★ Guide

Well I have ideas of how to buff Crypto. One, make emp no longer effect teammates. Two, I have this idea for a little bit and this could be very helpful. When your teammate is down you are able to pick them up with your drone. It could be helpful when your teammate is far away and you can’t get there in time to get the res, so you could pick them up with the drone and drop them in front of you. Three, in drone you could be able to see what type of evo shields the enemy’s have. When you mark them as crypto he could could say, ”Enemy here, blue evo shield” or any other evo shield. Four, now this idea is a bit far fetched and could be OP, but I’ll say it if you think differently. If you emp yourself the first shot will be double the damage. The downside to this is you lose all of your shield, but you don’t get slowed down. This could also make sentinels more useful as it would automatically charge it up and give you the double damage shot. Plus you will only have 10 seconds to use this shot before it goes away. It could be called electric shock as it should stun enemy’s if they were not effected by the emp. Now I don’t think ever single one should be added other than emp shouldn’t effect teammate, please add this back EA!

Message 66 of 69 (436 Views)

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

★★ Apprentice

I think the point 2 is a litle to good, it's a good idea but if you rez with a drone it takes more time, and if the drone can pick a mate up it should slow down the drone, it should not be infinite, the player that is being picked up could use only syringe and cells no big heals, because imagine being dragged out of the zone while being as fast as a drone while healing. But the idea is good or maybe for the rez, it is not slower but the drone has limited rez.


And the idea for the Sentinel is pretty smart and it's a cool detail, because the weapon is not that much played :/



Message 67 of 69 (409 Views)

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

★★ Apprentice

"If you rez with a drone it SHOULD take more time" sorry

Message 68 of 69 (408 Views)

Re: [Season 6] Crypto Feedback

★ Guide
@Igeere1 Agreed
Message 69 of 69 (392 Views)