Re: Newcastle QOL change suggestion

by Zulkiers

Original Post

Newcastle QOL change suggestion

★★★ Newbie

This could apply to the revive system as a whole but for Newcastle especially, it would be nice if we could have a setting where you just needed to tap E instead of holding it to revive. Especially when playing Newcastle, it would make a huge difference since you'd be able to use WASD freely without having a finger on E constantly during res.

Message 1 of 3 (326 Views)

Re: Newcastle QOL change suggestion

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@Koivu47That's actually a thing for NewCastle, he DOESN'T have to hold E... well ya gotta hold for ~0.2 sec but once the shield is up you can move freely, tap E to Cancel revive
As for everyone else, releasing E allows them to fight back sooner than having to tap it again, but that would be a nice setting as Mirage could use that nicely

Message 2 of 3 (204 Views)

Re: Newcastle QOL change suggestion

★ Guide

I however want a wider revive shield for NewCastle and winder Knockdown shields for Everyone to make it easier for laggy people to block a solo person's shots.

Force them to leave you alone, finisher you, or bust the shield.

For me, I block 95% of the shots, but only 15% register as blocked. NewCastle blocks 35% instead of 15% but still, lousy number of shots blocked that I block.

If the shield was wider, I'd have more shots blocked, more registered blocks. They should need to be behind you to shoot you not 15* to either side in front of you. Thus Wider Shield.

Message 3 of 3 (201 Views)