Re: Gibraltar

by gg123xyz

Original Post

Re: Gibraltar

★★ Pro

im level 10 i main gibraltar and i have yet to get 1 kill.

Message 11 of 15 (254 Views)

Re: Gibraltar

★★★ Apprentice

The character is only bad by the person who plays them

Message 12 of 15 (246 Views)

Re: Gibraltar

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro

its very easy to die as gibraltar, very hard to kill as gibraltar. he needs some qol fixes. his hitbox being 100 percent or 110 percent  that of the teleporter means he takes 100 percent more hits than she does, but has the same health.


you cant sit in your bubble and shoot out which would even up the hitbox odds, you have to come out of the bubble making the bubble useless for firefights.


the guns seem to favor the enemies theres no quality of guns to make firefights fair a lot of the time.


and his ult is stopped by roofs making it easy to escape from.


his passive is tied to a scoped in speed. and the shield breaks easy.


theres a few things wrong with gibraltar.


personalty i think they blocked gibraltar from firing out of his bubble was a troll *.

Message 13 of 15 (240 Views)

Re: Gibraltar

★★★ Novice
Both fat boi champs are horribly disadvantaged at this point simply because they are more than twice as big. This is coming from a caustic main. I've since switched champions as hitbox hasn't and probably wont be addressed season 1 and the champ they've released is another smaller hitbox movement based champ. Gib and caust just got worse via collateral damage
Message 14 of 15 (209 Views)

Re: Gibraltar

★ Apprentice
the best way to use gib is move up to a mid rang position save your dome
till you need it pop it as a form of cover moving in and out of it at its sides relative to enemy your firing at taking pot shots till the enemy is weak or 1 is down wait then turn on your gun shield move in for kill use ult to disengage or open if you can then clean up i have taken out whole squads like this.
Message 15 of 15 (181 Views)