Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming

by DarthVaapar

Original Post

Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming

★★ Guide

They should blow up like you said if you get too close. Make them mines. You can literally stand completely still in a bang ult and take 0 damage. They take TOO long to blow up so you can run into one, run away before taking damage.


Gibbys ult is actually scary because the bombs hit in the same spots so if you get hit, try to heal in the same spot, you will get hit again most likely. Bangs ult isnt even an area denial because of how long it actually takes to blow up. If can throw my ult down in one of the last circles in the game and not a single squad gets hit, the ult needs reworked

Message 11 of 19 (551 Views)

Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro



I say it should make smoke with damage, Imagine escaping from a pinch, or escaping escaping out the bunker from a third party.

You could throw your ultimate out the door of the bunker. Wait for the explosions and runout the bunker into a large area of smoke and disappear
Also imagine using it to move through a camped choke point.

This would be super useful.

Message 12 of 19 (536 Views)

Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming

★ Pro

The time delay between the projectiles landing, and then exploding, should be cut in half. 

Message 13 of 19 (484 Views)

Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming

★★★ Newbie

I agree. The ultimate should do more damage and go off sooner after hitting the ground. I also agree that having a dense smoke afterward would be a great addition as well since it is an ultimate. I tend to use the tactical ability all the time and never use the ultimate since it is so underwhelming

Message 14 of 19 (473 Views)

Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming


I'd be happy if they removed the damage entirely and made the stun effect the focus.

Even if they did take this route the detonation time would need to be cut.


Currently all this ult does is announce to half the map you're in the yes it might be area denial focused ult but it's also a big "come and third party me" beacon.


Too many downsides and not enough rewards to least gibby's redeems itself with a viable damage output.

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Message 15 of 19 (411 Views)

Bangalore's Rolling Thunder Sucks

★★★ Newbie

Hey Respawn Team,


Can you guys do something about bangalore's ultimate? It is WAY too subtle to be effective. Enemies get like freakin' 4 seconds plus to evade that *. It's ultimate, so it should be designed like one. 

Appreciate if you guys can make it to immediately explode on impact.

Message 16 of 19 (439 Views)

Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming

★★★★★ Apprentice

Absolutely agree, very underwhelming.  It should be blowing up on impact so that it's an actual rolling bombardment (carpet bomb). With the same damage as gibbys ult.

Message 17 of 19 (400 Views)

Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming

★★★★ Guide

I'm honestly about to stop even using the thing. It's literally that bad. It does more harm than good. Slows you down, slows your own team mates down. Does next to 0 damage. Takes 20 seconds to even use. Worthless ult

Message 18 of 19 (289 Views)

Re: Bangalores ult is very underwhelming

★★★★★ Guide

The only time I've seen the Ult used well is when a Bangalore deploys it on the path her team is escaping in. Just enough time for them to escape but no time for me to chase after. One of the things that makes me hate Bangalore more than any other legend. I do agree that it's lackluster though. The suggestions here are all interesting so I hope they do adjust her somehow.

Message 19 of 19 (281 Views)