Bangalore passive

by Cold-Zero112

Original Post

Bangalore passive

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

So how cool would it be when Bangalore does her finisher she also smokes the ground so it's harder for enemies to see bang. At the moment it takes 1 extra second to smoke the ground before you do your finisher. Also when Bangalore does her finisher (original one) she allready grabs her smoke launcher so why not make use of it and also smoke the ground while doing the finisher right?


Also make her finisher like 1 second or 0,5 second faster than other legends, it fits her playstyle if you ask me cause it's easier to pull of finishers as Bang.


This change could be added besides her double time passive.


Edit: or they could give Mirage an invisable finisher or decoy finisher i want some legend to have a stronger finisher.

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