Re: Why was TTK changed in the first place

by TeamShepperd22

Original Post

Re: Why was TTK changed in the first place

★ Expert

Honestly the combo lower ttk-buffed snipers is what makes me mad the most(after audio and servers). Now in every single lobby everybody has a sniper and it's a nightmare if you have to rotate. I can't remember how many times i got shot by 2 or even 3 snipers at the same time. Add the lower ttk and a low profile legend( i'm a wraith main) and you're done. Now the game it's just move-get shot-hide-heal-repeat. So reverse ttk or nerf snipers or even increase heal stacks would be better imho, playing like this is extremely frustrating to me.

Message 21 of 22 (138 Views)

Re: Why was TTK changed in the first place

★★ Novice

lowered TTK has been the most game ruining change ive seen yet. 

respawn thinks i should carry 2 garbage cans every game

smurfs are now teaming up

sbmm is a steaming hot pile of trash




Message 22 of 22 (128 Views)