Re: Why am I not getting any better

by iBlockHead

Original Post

Re: Why am I not getting any better

[ Edited ]

@0verkill_ReaperI don't know about that. I think I can help him improve.. I think anyone can improve if they have someone willing to help them and they are willing to break old habits. I've played with a lot of "low skill" players who really were not all that bad. They were just going for the wrong guns, wrong gun combinations or other things.. Looting to slowly, not knowing how to get by with desirable guns while looting attachments for the guns you want. Lots of things like that.. Movement mistakes and not knowing when/how to flank or sneak up on an enemy.. Some even play with legends that are more difficult to be good with.

One of the biggest I see is learning and knowing when you're outmatched and you need to pull back. An example would be trying to push someone who has a long/medium range weapon and you don't.. They then try and push anyways and just get picked off as they move forward. Instead of  pulling them into a close combat fight.

Hopefully he sends me a message and so I can see what's going on.. Now I will agree not everyone is going to be cut out to be a Predator or Diamond player.. But that does not mean that can't get a competitive level and post some decent numbers for their skill level.

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Message 11 of 50 (944 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

Sensitivity is better now. Think I’m just slow and trying to always catch up to my team

Message 12 of 50 (909 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better

★★ Expert
@drewblueeye333 could always adjust dead-zone a bit more to get a more instant reaction or it could be the display you're using. My TV for xbox has a longer Response time vs my PC monitor but I've adjusted to it.

Hope we all helped in one way or another or at least gave you an idea on what you could try.
Message 13 of 50 (900 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better


@iBlockHead  I'm  not the most tech savvy so i didn't  even realize that was a thing lmao. How'd you go about doing that?

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Message 14 of 50 (866 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better

★★★★ Guide

"could always adjust dead-zone a bit more to get a more instant reaction or it could be the display you're using. My TV for xbox has a longer Response time vs my PC monitor but I've adjusted to it.

Hope we all helped in one way or another or at least gave you an idea on what you could try."


@iBlockHead  you are onto something there. While talking about speed in game. Op states 3 is where he is comfortable. That is going to be slow and if playing on console with an older tv, even a year old there is a built in response time factor as well. Even the best OLEDs currently only offer 4ms input response time. 


I switched to gaming monitors for me and my kids about 3-4 months ago and with <1ms-2ms response times the games have opened up. You still have to deal with in game lag, but for the most part the response time is super beneficial in almost every fight. 


I have my sensitivity cranked to max and adjusted for ads.


To the op have you adjusted your ads sensitivity to your liking as well? I would recommend spending time in firing range adjusting your FOV as well at minimum I would recommend 106. 


TO be quite honest other FPS games(COD,Battlefield hell even TF2) feel slow in comparison to the speed with which Apex moves at. Hence upping your sensitivity to be able to compete. 


Positioning and all of the other stuff does play into it, but if you are engaged in a battle with anyone and their settings are maxed out and they have good aim they are gong to win the fight. TTK is quick in this game and if they are hitting you faster than you are hitting them they will win. 


Practicing with other people in firing range may help, I can't really speak to that I learned my Apex curve in game prior to there being a firing range. I just use it now to re-calibrate my sense of distance for sniping with Iron sights.


Good luck.

Message 15 of 50 (850 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better

★★ Pro

OP - don't let "kills" determine your value on this game. The numbers can be skewed so heavily, it's ridiculous. That's why you have all these hot-droppers with a * ton of kills and no wins. The whole point of the game is to win, so you need to add value to your team. When I see a random on my team with a ton of kills, I prepare for the worst. They're the ones that go off on their own and quit when they die. That's no way to play a team game. I never understood going into Squads just to do your own thing. I look for a teammate's wins because it shows they know how to survive. 

Message 16 of 50 (838 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better

★★ Expert
@MandatoryIDtag Adjusting dead-zone? I assume you play on console if that's the case, if so, just go into control setting and choose advanced and there should be a deadzone slot for both thumbs sticks.

The lower you put it, the more the sticks react to the slightest touch and vice versa. I adjusted mine a bit higher than normal to stop it from moving on it's own since my controllers thumb sticks are a bit worn out.

If you meant response time, that's more so something the TV/monitors comes with by default from what I know. I just had a 3 year old TV and decided on an actual monitor with 1ms time to get the best out of my actions.

@mastiffslinger yea I tried addressing that a low sensitivity like 3 could be the issue, I can't even use 3 as it's just way to slow for me and feels like I'm being held down by weights. I mean I use to but it was clear that a faster sensitivity allowed for quicker reactions to be played. It also helps because you don't have to stand still/or in the same general spot allowing you to run around/duck and dodge while still having your aim on them.
Message 17 of 50 (824 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better

★★ Guide
@jonesy0218 Early on I'd have someone on my squad who had a ton of kills and I'd think, "cool we're gonna rage!" only to do exactly what you described
Message 18 of 50 (815 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better

@iBlockHead It was his settings, he’s posting really good numbers now.

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Message 19 of 50 (834 Views)

Re: Why am I not getting any better

★ Guide

Find people that play the same as you or someone who can help you. My advice would to to try firing range for a while with every gun. Make a course out of the shooting range. There's a reason why law enforcement and army constantly use a firing range. You can always improve on your aim. And also increase your sensitivity that way you get used to played faster. That low sensitivity you play on is holding you back. Practice man. I used to be in your shoes too, I'm not the best player but I'm a good player. I'm on PS4 or I'd say squad up. If your watching all those YouTube videos then you should be improving. Watch Itemp man he's a great YouTuber to get advice from

Message 20 of 50 (827 Views)