Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

by RevenanT-G7

Original Post

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

★★★ Novice

The only thing that needed to be messed with since launch was hit markers and connection! 


However if anyone felt a certain weapon was too strong, then pick the same weapon up and use it. You had the same advantage as the enemy. 


How is I feel is that if you’re gonna fix every detail that someone cries about, then let me rant! I want you to fix it the game to where I win every single time I log in. 


Thats exactly what people are crying about. I lost, well so what, try again. 


As as far as I feel about apex it has connection issues, such as hit markers, lag  and the major audio issues. 


I think that those are major issues instead of weapon balance. 


Add  more servers, so that people play close to home. 

It isn’t rocket science to know that the internet isn’t perfect but hot games like apex could add many more servers to offload and lower ping from the existing ones that are heavily hit. 


I need one in Kentucky, Ohio or Tennessee although I am from California. 


Weapon balance should be the last thing on the creators minds. If the shots don’t register then what’s the point of weapon balance? 


From day one I played apex every day, and the more you add live updates the worse it’s getting. We don’t need weapon balance we need more servers and we need the hit boxes, registrations fixed as well audio.


you designed the characters, and where they take damage. 


In the real world, the Xbox doesn’t a lifeline it sees a IP address, the shots fired into you is ping after so much ping the Xbox says you have took too much ping you’re knocked. The problem is where you can ping the enemy  you face. Imagine a giraffe it’s spotted right, okay the dark spots are the only spots you can do damage well hell I hit the giraffe just not in the spot it accepted damage. That’s what’s wrong with the game as well with many other CONNECTION issues. 


They fill they they don’t need more servers because what school tells them internet can handle, but the thing is just like a SSD real world performance. 


This is like the best game ever to me, but the creators of apex are the ones who need to get in the game. Start thinking real world performance rather than what a manufacturer says something can handle, there is a major difference. 



Message 11 of 23 (771 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

- 6 shots, no heavy mag attachment
- 35 damage per hit, if keeping skullpiercer attachment
- original launch stats in all other respects

- 5 or 6 shot magazine
- Buff damage per pellet from 15 to 17-18
- Leave everything else alone

Regarding Wingman further:
The 'sniper buff' has added some variety, but Wingman is still dominant. The raw damage is just too high for being a high-mobility high-accuracy sidearm, especially with Skullpiercer in the mix. The heavy mag attachment is what exacerbates that, allowing you to "spam" the weapon for much longer. A fixed 6-round magazine would go a long way to toning that down, but directly addressing the raw damage would fully address it. Bear in mind 35 damage, without skullpiercer, still means it's 3 hits to down a target that has no shields, 2 if one is a headshot, same as now - the difference is that 1 skullpiercer headshot isn't almost equivalent to a full shield bank. Reverting to its originally higher rate-of-fire+stability will help to ensure it doesn't lose its appeal as a high-caliber revolver, particularly in close quarters.

Reverting the Longbow's rate of fire increase would do well in making sure that such a nerf to the Wingman would not, in turn, put the Longbow into the Wingman's former "clearly dominant" spot; if not for needing so many more attachments and being harder to find than the Wingman, I would go as far as to say it would be as dominant as the Wingman now.

Regarding the Mozambique further:
I don't think the memes have been worthwhile in the long run. I'd like to see this and the P2020 be more viable. The major limiting factors are the overly-restrictively-small clip size and pretty low damage per hit, bearing in mind a fairly wide spread for just 3 pellets.
It's worth pointing out that the shotgun bolt attachment increases the Mozambique's rate of fire significantly, helping to make up for its damage deficit, but the clip size is so small that it can't support the increased rate of fire, making the point all rather moot. Increase the clip size, and you increase the value this gun can have with the attachments.
(As for the P2020, I would add a stabilizer attachment and raise the damage per hit.)

Message 12 of 23 (686 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Pro

The wing man was fine before the nerf now it's overly nerfed in my opinion. Not only is the mag smaller but the gun feels way too inconsistent.


The Wingman feels like the Volt [after the third Nerf] in Titan Fall 2 utterly useless The only thing the wingman needed was a range reduction, because you could shot across the map but then again the Wingman is suppose to be the equivalent of a Dessert Eagle. 


The Mozambique mag can be upped to a 5 round gun, don't touch anything on the damage, range, reloading or ROF. and the gun will be just as fun to use just like your titan fall games.




Message 13 of 23 (672 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

★★★★ Guide

i’ve noticed that lvl 3 heavy mags are spawning very frequently now, almost too often, so the wingman gets pretty sweet early on 

Message 14 of 23 (631 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

I'd raise the range and clip of the Moz to 6. It's held back by the 3 shots. I wouldn't change the damage too much or it'll be op, the fire rate and reload time is already quick.


Be careful with the wingman changes. The 4 shots on no-mag does feel... strange. But a grey extendo and it's back to 6, op again. That tells you that you did something right, on the no-mag actually. Its rather weak but that's a good thing. I would lower the damage of each shot on the wing to 35-40. It'll still 3-5 shot anyone so it's still going to be strong. 35 would be rather weak, but it's the damage that makes it so strong... it needs some recoil though.


A deagle in CS two shots in the body, 1 shot to the head but the recoil is insane. You have to wait about a second between each shot to be accurate, or try to predict the recoil. Might be a bad comparison but I'd lower the damage and/or add recoil since you can heal and move so fast in Apex- also landing a headshot seems easier.. without recoil and all the movement, people just jump into a headshot ... there's just so many variables to get a headshot with a wingman that make it strong.


I don't think you should  be able to run and gun with the wingman as easily as you can. It's just point and shoot with such a strong weapon. Longbow should also be looked at again, longbow is insanely strong right now.


Message 15 of 23 (596 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

★★★ Guide

I love the Wingman, love the sound of it.


Mozambique is horrible but who dont enjoy a Mozambique duel to the death Tongue out

Message 16 of 23 (586 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

[ Edited ]

I think the wingman nerf was a needed change.

It's not the S tier weapon any more and you have to land your shots to use it effective.

This made it less forgiving and is more situation bound.

It feels about the same as the longbow at the moment and i think that's how it should be.


Well... the Mozambique.

We all know what it is doing,  it's best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I sadly don't use it any more as i did in the beginning but It will always have a place in my heart.

I have actually have managed to get a final kill with it.

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Message 17 of 23 (578 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

★★★ Pro
One is the most OP weapon in the game, and above it is the Wingman
Message 18 of 23 (511 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

★ Guide

From my point of view...Wingman is just Wingman, it is hard hitting gun. In capable hands it is tool of death.

I've tried this weapon a few times, but while I don't have trouble shooting anything at any time during the training, my bullets somehow avoid everything alive. I can hit the same place 10 times in a row when testing, but when I shoot at a live target, I won't hit even when the target stands still. I don't know why, the gun is just cursed for me.

But Mozambique ... that's different.
My choice # 1 between P2020, Mozambique, RE-45.
After all, it's a "better than nothing" weapon that can handle 45dmg from a touch distance with one shot - headshot multiplier is about 1,5x and has highest dps from this selection.

I would vote for creating a new tracker "Enemies downed with Mozambique" to encourage people to give him more chance Party hat

Message 19 of 23 (464 Views)

Re: Weapon Spotlight - Wingman and Mozambique

★★ Apprentice

I love the wingman, its my weapon of choice still today along with either a 301, flatline, hemlock or rarely but sometimes a devotion.


I'll admit.. I hate the Mozambique. I see like 20 a match and 9 times outta 10 i land in a room with 3. But i will also admit that i have killed an entire team with just a Mozambique as well Vs. W.e they had. More then once, so to say its complete trash is kinda far fetched. 


P.s. for the people mentioning p2020... I and my wife have witnessed a guy, or girl.. Who knows.. Duel wield 2 p2020s in skull town and take out at least 3 teams as pathfinder... Blasting ones clip dry and swapn to the other.. Like a BEAST. was pure epic.


Just cause youre trash with it.. Dont knock it xD

Message 20 of 23 (434 Views)