Re: We need a mederator per server.

by jumanjaydazed

Original Post

Re: We need a mederator per server.

★ Guide

@FaZaaa_82 wrote:

This game needs a mod per server watching every game and i would be willing to observe a server while playing on another as i have 3 screens.

to ban a player i would record them so when they try contest it we would have proof. 

This anti cheat isn't working 770k cheaters and 770k new account creations of cheaters.

Most stupid anti cheat system ever. breaking this down they need to:


Hire like 5000 people for 24 hours a day, 7 day a week work. Well, that's only like 104,000,000/year if they don't pay benefits lol.


Hire people that have some sort of ability to watch an entire server with 30 teams of 3 playing (I guess they could just watch some teams and in the end but, your gonna need to see the action to see cheats. 



Oh, and then if they don't hire people, players are going to play a game like Apex, where constant movement/looting/fighting describes the gameplay...and also watch a second or third monitor WHILE PLAYING (lol) where they are monitoring a different server/game with 60 people going at it.....



YEAH....that should work real smooth. 




Message 11 of 13 (182 Views)

Re: We need a mederator per server.

★★★ Guide

watch while down and waiting for respawn....

Message 12 of 13 (175 Views)

Re: We need a mederator per server.

★★ Expert

  a "murderator' would be even better!


Message 13 of 13 (146 Views)