Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

by Xenog31st

Original Post

Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

★ Apprentice

Or at least allow us to buff vehicle damage in portal.


This isn’t a complaint. Just a thought on where this game is going if the nerfs keep coming due to devs trying to placate complainers.


Why buffs? Because I like to play games to get a sense of using something powerful. Like “supers” in Destiny, or the massively OP heavy weapons. This was balanced with low ammo count and recharge timers, so it can still be balanced. Why the hell play something where it feels like you’re shooting a BB gun that only sounds like a real gun? Because that’s how BF feels sometimes, even in vehicles. Even before the nerf, but worse now.


Or are weapons of war supposed to be less effective, just so its fair to the enemy? If everything is buffed, then it’s equal force on opposing force, so balanced no matter what. It just takes more skill to survive.


Tanks should have way more splash damage, you know, as if you’re shooting tank shells and not big, slow bullets. A 57mm cannon shouldn’t need a direct hit as if it’s a sniper rifle, the 30mm cannon Bolte was actually one of the only things that was fun and unskilled people complained it into dust. It had open windows and low armor and it could be countered by numerous methods like SOFLAM, emp, well placed shots through the window, the NTW, etc but the 30mm was too effective so it had to be made boring, right? Rockets and missiles? Why do they have such small splash damage? In the future, ordinance actually becomes less effective I guess? You can bombard the whole enemy team from a helo and only get like 1-2 kills. That’s not realistic at all, nor is it fun. But god forbid, it actually works like actual air support or complainers would be outraged. People don’t even want to get in and be gunners in tanks or whatever because the vehicles plain suck and just get killed fast.


Don’t get me started on the infantry guns. It’s boring. But here’s a few examples: a 50 Cal NTW that boasts a 1500m range in the description can only do about 300m in the game because of bullet drop (do these shells only have half a load of powder or something?), and damage falloff means you need a headshot. You get a hit with a real 50 cal on an arm, leg or torso in real life, that guy is NOT walking away. Like in more realistic games like Insurgency, any hit with the 50 cal anywhere is a kill. It’s fun to use. It’s balanced by the huge reload time and awful handling. The NTW is fun, but only because it sounds powerful and sort of feels powerful, but in reality, it’s outclassed by the lower caliber snipers and even DMR’s as far as range and effectiveness. The MG recoil should not have been reduced, but damage increased so TTK is quicker if you land the shots. As it is now, players are basically bullet sponges.


All this needs to be buffed and more impressive to use imo, or the game just becomes more and more mediocre. Just my 2 cents because it seems really watered down after all these nerfs..

Message 1 of 8 (331 Views)

Re: Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

★ Apprentice

Amen, brother. I couldn't have authored this better myself.

Message 2 of 8 (277 Views)

Re: Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

★★★ Guide
@Xenog31st I agree tank shells are the worst literally minor splash damage to troops if you don’t hit spot on.

Hovercraft should be a OHK or at least it o critical damage.

Bolte should be 2 at least.

What’s with the reset pf vehicle load outs every time you play

Message 3 of 8 (268 Views)

Re: Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@Xenog31stthey nerfed some of the things that give the tanks a bad time but the tanks are still whimpering because they are slow to move and turn, their cannon cannot aim high or low enough and their blasts are impotent


Instead of nerfing 2342 things they could had just buffed 4

Message 4 of 8 (258 Views)

Re: Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

★★★★★ Apprentice

If I wanted COD TTK i would play COD. TTK is good as it is, it's already rather frustrating which how fast you die and how long the respawn can take if you hope for a revive but don't get one.

Message 5 of 8 (230 Views)

Re: Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

★★ Guide

Buffing instead of nerfing would make the game even more arcadeish, more hectic so no.

Message 6 of 8 (229 Views)

Re: Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

★ Apprentice
@Xenog31st I agree, they should make everything powerful so it's fun to use. Everything that got nerfed, doesn't get used anymore. Just make sure everything works like rock,paper and scissors. But most importantly, make squads bigger to counter vehicles but only the squadleader can be spawned on. Now that would be exciting!

Or at least make a realistic and challenging hard-core mode but still that has good flow and keeps good gameplay in mind.
Or let us have the option to make this in portal.
Message 7 of 8 (189 Views)

Betreff: Unpopular opinion? Everything should be buffed! Not nerfed.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Guide

@Xenog31stI also want it more realistic, BUT

lets be honest, every boy/girl can fly a chopper in no time, also the jets and so on.
Make steering and controlling more realistic or harder to learn, make the ammo not infinite, let me destroy the tank with two or the chopper with one missile not with four or two, or at least make them harder to stear after a hit, and so on. If you wanna 5 kills with one hit, then I, as soldier want the other things mentioned above.

Then we can speak about more realism. But I guess thats what Hardcore Servers could bring, or we have to wait for another more realistic BF in far future, if ever.

Message 8 of 8 (149 Views)


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