Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

by CrazyPlays54

Original Post

Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★★★★ Novice

Recently I have just moved up from Diamond 4 to Diamond 3 and I am really noticing how unfair the matchmaking on Apex Legends ranked works. In diamond 4 I was only playing against people in my rank or platinum ranked players which is a slight disadvantage to platinum because yes, I am in diamond but a low ranked diamond so we work  as a gatekeeper to play 1-2s. I was still able to get out for diamond 4 quite easily. What I do not understand is that as soon as I hit diamond 3, I match 3 stack predators in the top 100’s. This makes no sense to me unless I was diamond 1 at least! I would be fine playing other masters or diamonds my rank but playing against top 100 predators as champions every single game is ridiculously unfair  and I have not been gaining any points into diamond 3. Why must a diamond 3(2 tiers lower) Play against top 100 predators every single game. I know there are not many predators because there are only 500. But it seems like you guys said “Well they hit diamond 3 they can take top 500 players easily” The skill gap between a diamond player and an apex predator is very large(Think of a gold r6 player vs diamond r6 player for example... 2 tier difference) Yes, a problem with being a predator can be long queue timers but it's because you are TOP 500 ON THAT SYSTEM. There is no reason I should not be matched with other diamonds or low ranked masters(they would work as a gatekeeper for diamond 1-2s) Adding cross play could fix this issue so there would be a pool of 1500 predators and they could duel to see who is #1 overall. Another way you could fix this is match diamonds with diamonds and low masters, while master rank deals with diamonds 1-2 and apex predators, confused on why this isn't already a thing and why this is so unfair for a majority of people, not just the top 500 slaying diamond players with ease.

Message 1 of 9 (3,993 Views)

Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★ Guide

I really dunno because I don't play ranked that often (usually because the match wait time is like 5 minutes and i only go on for a bit), But my theory is this:


You get 500 top players; What are the chances that in those 500, they will get into a match with another 500? Like 1 in a million, the wait time would exceed an hour.


There are much more diamond players so they probably just mash them in so that they don't have to wait for other predators to play ranked.


Like i mean, i don't blame them because then the predators won't play ranked, so the next category to keep them in ranked is to push them in with diamond.

Message 2 of 9 (3,949 Views)

Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★★★★ Novice
@S53CTR07 I agree with some of that but if you are a top 500 player I think you should have a longer wait time because your skill is exceedingly higher then others
Message 3 of 9 (3,934 Views)

Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★ Guide

Now let's think about this from a money perspective, Cha-Ching


Nowadays games are striving for some quick cash; Who would they support, some quick-a-ding diamond player who may or may not spend money on the game, OR one of the top 500 players on a platform, believe me, if i were one of the top 500, i would be spending some money on the game. 


To sum it up: More likely that top 500 players will spend more money than diamond players; So they might as well 'help' or 'boost' the top 500 players to keep them engaged on getting easy wins on diamond players.


i dunno if i'm to mean in that, sorry if i am.

Message 4 of 9 (3,921 Views)

Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★★★★ Guide

All of season 3 in diamond you faced predators. No difference even with the split. Diamond 4 are in my lobby now at plat 4. You said you thought that was fair so they can gate keep. Well the predators are doing the same for you. Top 500 players make predator. How much gatekeeping have they been doing to keep people from reaching master? 

Do not get me wrong I agree the ranked is and has been a hot mess. I compete against diamonds in every ranked plat game. Yet my teammates can be as low as bronze????? Talk about a level playing field. I play during peak time only and for a game or two a night then I quit playing. It is a joke, because basically ranked and pubs are the same for me. 2 lower level teammates and going against experienced premade squads. 

Oh well this is their game and they have by default set it up to cater to premade and god mode players. 

Message 5 of 9 (3,884 Views)

Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★★ Novice

Dude, i'm a Plat 4 and had 21 predators on a single game, when 5 ENTIRE SQUADS of PREDATORS are the first ones to jump i just went all the way to being the last guy on the ship to just count how many of them there was.


Today i had 20 ina single match and at least 5 or more games with 10 or more, gold was actually easy but platinum is just hell, i can win against diamonds but predators are near impossible to me, i even died to a team placed  with a guy #21 in the predator, his team also had a guy on #67 and #119.


For me it's only Diamonds that should play with Masters and Predators, because going up to platinum is actually very easy and i belive, because of this F*** up pairing that most of the player base are hard stuck on platinum 4 and just gives up trying to go Diamond, i know it shouldnt be easy but right now as it is right now is not fair to not hit diamonds not because  cant compete with them, but i need to beat guys way above them.

Message 6 of 9 (3,800 Views)

Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★★ Pro
@EndMeta I would read you post but it is all size 1 font with no paragraphs, and I am not a fan of that.
Message 7 of 9 (3,792 Views)

Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★ Guide
@EndMeta As soon as I got into platinum, champion squad is always predators. Gold was super easy and platinum has a steep rise in skill level. Something is messed up. You can be one point short of platinum, get into an easy lobby, and have a decent chance at winning. Gain one point, you’re perfectly at platinum? Predators and diamonds galore, super sweaty
Message 8 of 9 (3,751 Views)

Re: Unfair Ranked MatchMaking

★★★ Newbie

Yeah I agree! Even at Platinums we're facing Predator teams. It's rediculious and unfair how there are Predators in a Plat lobbies... I also noticed a pattern where it's pretty consistent when our team takes top 3 and our next game is slotted with a bunch of Predator teams, garanteed!  We pretty much squad wipe very quickly and loose nearly all gained points from the previous match, this is so broken and makes it's very hard to get out of Platinum...

Message 9 of 9 (3,577 Views)