Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

by A7RDF

Original Post

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

★★★★ Pro

PS4. I've not had any (more) lag after the patch than before it, but I am getting disconnected quite frequently either between games or as the game loads Kings Canyon.


This was happening very little before the update, but now can happen 5-10 times in a couple of hours game time.

Message 31 of 42 (1,135 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

★★★★ Novice

Code leaf issue is so annoyinh eveytime i tried to get into match this throws me out with an error it totally is annoying as hell.

Message 32 of 42 (1,110 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

Champion (Retired)

There's an announcement over on Reddit with a bit more info on the 'known issues' from 1.2:


"Hey all,

This is making it's way live now on all platforms:

In an attempt to curb behavior of camping outside the circle to wait out the match and get Top 5 in the Apex Elite Queue, we’re trying increasing the damage caused by being outside the circle in the Apex Elite Queue only.

  • First circle now does 15% damage per tick
  • Second circle now does 20% damage per tick
  • Remaining circles no do 25% damage per tick.

Some other things for this week:

  • We've got a server patch planned to go live this week. We'll provide patch notes tomorrow.
  • Follow up on the Known Issues post from last week with any new updates as well as new issues we've bugged since then."


From Reddit here.

Message 33 of 42 (1,098 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

★★★★★ Guide

@ThatFawkzi wrote:

Energy weapons needs some fkin attention. My levels of sheer god damn rage have spiked yet again (The original reason I stopped playing the game for a while)


I am sick to death of having full purple armour and full health only for both it to get melted in less than two fkin seconds. It's disgusting and there's no god damn need for weapons that are so common and so openly available to be that fkin powerful. They beat out your so called "rare, powerful gold weapons" such as the Kraber and The Mastiff. Those two weapons are like slapping people in the face with feathers compared to how powerful these stupid god damn energy weapons are.


Arc stars Need to be sorted the F out too. Either have them take down full shields with no movement slowdown, or have them take down a bit of your shields with movement slowdown but taking down fullshields and slowing your movement to a crawl for what seems like FKIN FOREVER with the insane blast radious that they have? And then getting pegged with two bullets from a havoc for the kill is just fkin pathetic. Sort this god damn shizt out..jesus.


I am straight up gone until these energy weapons have been ballanced because right now it's just fkin pathetic. Second time walking away from the game due to these pieces of shart. I came back because of season 2 hype and the hunt challenges after leaving due to how ridiculous these energy weapons are. I can't set my distain for these weapons aside for the sake of season 2.





My problem and only problem with energy weps is in the start of the game they don't required large magazines to keep firing.

But endgame every decent endgame gun can kill you in 2 seconds.

I lost a LOT of start games because he picked up a devotion / havoc. But i never lose endgame becouse he has a devotion / havoc. If i lose endgame he was just better or luckier.


Arcstars need a fix.

They are stupid.

That they can stick on a person is one of the more stupid things ingame.

99% of the stuck arkstars is luck and not skill.

And it almost guarantees the kill even if his purple armor was full.



Message 34 of 42 (1,056 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

★★★★ Guide

@Zombtroll69 wrote:

Please for the love of God allow people to mute the robot voice or at least make it quieter. there is nothing more annoying than. XX_FaZeBigWilly69_XX says; "ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg" the entire match.

Also, I'd love to be able to change data centers easier because sometimes one data center has a bad connection.

Also, Please fix the glitch that makes it when you spectate a player you see a dodgy "under the map" view where everything looks like when windows xp crashes.

Finally, here's a glitch that has no impact on the game but is pretty funny; if you select a legend on the start screen and quickly move to another legend after clicking, that legend will teleport to the position of the one you originally clicked. so you can make lifeline go halfway off screen and make Gibraltar look huge. Works 100% of the time.

Now that all that's out of the way here's the most important thing. Could you please add "Caustic was here" in the bunker?

There is already a setting for this, just turn off the option for convert text to audio.

Message 35 of 42 (1,051 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

@Silz616 Yup, same for me on XBOX. Quite a bit more than before the patch. Mostly at Match start. Real annoying when your in a party.
Message 36 of 42 (1,046 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

★★★★ Pro

@251f7fe71fbb9e08 It seems to be worse in a party imo. I saw this happen maybe twice before the patch (after months and months of game play). I've seen it multiple times a night now. It's not a biggie, but frustrating.


I never disconnect mid game. Always just before or just after.

Message 37 of 42 (1,038 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

★★★★ Apprentice
@jonesy0218 @EA_Blueberry This man is right!!
Heres one for the Respawn team

Kudos and buy a cigar cuz im away in Portugal and our cigars are low quality.
Message 38 of 42 (664 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

★★★★ Apprentice
@AlmightyPharias I saw a dude complain he keeps dying to storm cuz its too fast, TLDR, he was in my team, he doesnt know how to run even tho he WAS FORCED TO GO TROUGHT THE TUTORIAL.

Good old school gaming was better tbh. I miss old 1,6 times, idc if i was getting tagged ez cuz i was a kid. It was fun, and everyone knew what to do, cuz they were smarter than today.
`Not trashtalking FOrtnite or anything, but Apex is more rewarding for skill and aim skill and THINKING, go to Fortnite where you can 12000 , yes 12k , dpi and move your hand in circles, maybe its easier, idk
Message 39 of 42 (662 Views)

Re: Known Issues Post Patch 1.2

★★★★ Apprentice
@Sp4ceb4lls Have you heard the coding song? Its the same thing of the beer song, but instead of taking a beer down from 100 to 1, its from 1 bug to 99.

Programming is fixing a bug, giving an error because you missed a god darned " ; " (yes that dot coma *, it is not easy to look at a black screen with white letters and not finding a ; in place) also as every person that actually understands this kinda stuff definetly knows that every single bug down, there will always two to come up
Message 40 of 42 (659 Views)