Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

by Alphabets

Original Post

Revenant is still viable, right?

★★ Expert

I’m hearing a lot of “Revenant is kind of useless” in the Feedback channels, but Revenant is still pretty viable if I’m not mistaken. 

Message 1 of 23 (712 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

★★★ Apprentice


He really isn’t. He’s become a bottom of the barrel legend. His abilities just can’t compete with the other legends. He’s not completely useless but he isn’t helpful either. His passive is almost useless because the wall climb is slow and not high enough so you are left with crouch. His tactical is only good fo Gibby, Wraith, and Octane and it doesn’t really help at all. And his ultimate now has a small range and before you can get one good shot off you are sent back to the totem. He’s not the bad * legend we saw in the trailer.

Message 2 of 23 (656 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

★★★★★ Pro



I had a little good run with him recently but it has since grinded to a halt. 


I'm in 2 minds about a lot of his abilities...


Tactical - can be useful, but doesn't contribute much in terms a gunfight; many people just ignore it.

Tho can maybe benefit against wraith/path escape, caustic, i see as being most useful.


Ult - not sure if it acruallt benefits (it's better now you restart with more health.), it mayve gives you the chance of killing unaware people. But ultimately when you respawn back and have to heal the enemy will also heal.


I've used the ult cleverly as a ploy to get in get out retrieving a banner (intention was if got killed it takes me to saftey with banner, but i didnt get killed somehow).


Climbing is useful soemtimes. Added mobility is always good.


Message 3 of 23 (646 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

@Sir_NamedI'm playing only revenant in ranked, so yeah of course he's "viable". I'd say one of the best, but it's of course a matter of taste. I would like a smaller hitbox and a buff to climbing though. The climbing does add some mobility (and it's the thing I immediately miss when I try another legend), but it really could differentiate him from others a lot more. Also there seems to be a few bugs about his climbing where he just drops off for no reason and certain areas requires a few tries to climb successfully (which clearly indicates a bug as the area should either be or not be climbable not random).


I'd say in current meta, his biggest strength is disabling gibby's gunshield, so make sure you hit those nades on gibby. To me though, the sneaking around fast is the best thing about him. I tend to crouch walk a lot in all BR's (assuming that it does make footsteps more silent), so revenant's ability to do that faster than normal is just icing on a cake.


P.S. Much like octane, revenant really mostly a solo player (the totem is the only "team" ability and in reality you usually use it alone too), so he generally fits better the less coordinated solo-ranked games rather than playing with a premade team.

Message 4 of 23 (637 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

★★★ Pro

Revenant kit is mainly offensive and if they want to keep it like that, his tactical needs to deal more damage, here is why:


Check this 25 second gameplay clip first:


You can see that in this clip, two enemies attacked Revenant, he did his best (he is a very good player/streamer in general), but Revenant's tactical didn’t help him there at all. Now compare if the same exact happened to other legends: Bangalore could have smoked and Run. Wraith can simply phase and run. Caustic drop and shoot traps and run. Mirage can make diversion and run. Pathfinder can grapple and run. Octane can run faster than them or use jump pad to a safe place next to his teammate and list goes on.... but Revenant’s tactical and ultimate are totally one sided and just works for offensive moves.


In my opinion, the reason that Revenant is not viable in pro matches is because in reality Apex matches are not just for an offensive playstyle, players need to be able to escape or need something to help them get protected from attacks and hold the spot (like Wattson’s ultimate can utilize grenades and charge your sheilds).


I think same goes for Crypto, he also doesn’t have an escape ability and that’s why he is not a top pick. However, Crypto still can use drone to see from which side/way he is being attacked and alarm teammates as well and maybe find a safer path to run.


Revenant's climb is not a good escape option, becasue: 1. in open fields it's not practical at all and 2.almost evey single building or rock he can climb, is also simply accessible by others (his climb is also getting very slowed after regular champions climbing hight which let enemies take you down while climbing)


The main source of that clip is this link on YouTube (My clip is a short one happens/started at 10:34 and ends at 10:59, of this video):

Message 5 of 23 (632 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

★★★★★ Novice

From a competitive standpoint: wraith,Watson, gibraltar, caustic, pathfinder.

Everybody else is useless. simply because all other legends don't do anything basically.

Message 6 of 23 (605 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

★★★ Pro
@TommiSpageti Lifeline & Loba?
Message 7 of 23 (603 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

★★★★★ Novice
@Alphabets, I mean lifeline is ok, but wraith and Watson are basically impossible to substitute, as 3rd then you want someone defensive like Caustic or Gibraltar, Lifeline doesn't really bring anything to the table.
Message 8 of 23 (592 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

★★ Pro

Revenant is absolutely viable, I'm currently maining him this season.


Passive: Sneaking up on enemies. Crouch strafing while hip-firing. Being able to climb tall walls without worrying about fumbling for the right climbing point. Or just choosing to crouch instead of walk around a corner to catch an enemy off guard. This is probably my favorite ability in Revs arsenal, just cause I use it so often.


Tactical: I can see why people don't like his tactical that much, especially cause even when you tag an enemy it's hard to tell just how effective it was. I still like to use it as a warning indicator, if I'm healing/reviving a teammate I'll place one in a way so that I'll know if I'm being pushed. I've managed to down some players and win many fist fights with the tactical (that extra 10 damage can mean a lot). It is one of the weaker tacticals but I think that's its intention when he's got a good passive and a really good ult.


Ult: What can I say, it gives you and your teammates a second chance or let's you push from a defensible position safely, and with it buffed you don't necessarily have to heal up before pushing again. One slight change I'd give it is that instead of disabling heals, the shadow effect is removed if you consume a healing item.

Message 9 of 23 (556 Views)

Re: Revenant is still viable, right?

★ Expert
@Sir_Named Revenant's kit is pretty underwhelming when you compare it to other legends. I wouldn't say he is useless, just really really underwhelming.
Message 10 of 23 (527 Views)