Re: Ranked is dumb and I called it

by Anlbrd

Original Post

Re: Ranked is dumb and I called it

★★★★★ Guide

@Anlbrd wrote:

@DaAceXDSo in one argument you say. i just encapulated neatly all of pathfinders complaints ( SO i assume those are facts. )

And in the other you say im untruthfull and emotional?

Wich one is it it? can't be both.


If English is your second language then fine, if not - L2R?

It is a fact that those are the biggest complaints. Does that mean they're automatically valid? No, just that they're the things everyone whines about. What I said means: "you've summed up all the regular whines - and then provided the usual solution which doesn't even affect them".

So now that we've cleared up your only real solution is to remove Pathfinder entirely : we've established that this isn't a conversation about balance, but the deletion of a character which is one of the most popular just because you don't like getting beaten by players who use him.

Dat biznizz sense doh.


Lets not write novels to each other anymore mate, we're never going to see eye to eye on it.  I love playing Pathfinder and I've done it even when he was massively underpowered because his hitbox meant someone could clean me up with an un-nerfed PK practically whilst facing AWAY from me Tongue out  Say what you want about anyone's motivations for playing Pathfinder - mine aren't linked to him being OP because of anything.   I just love playing Spiderman.  You just want him deleted because you DON'T like him as much as I DO like him.  It's nothing to do with him being OP or not.

”If English is your second language then fine, if not - L2R?“


English is my 3rd language.



That sayd,

Read my comment:


I have no problemens if they remove pathfinder.


You and your superior english translates that into;


“So now that we've cleared up your only real solution is to remove Pathfinder“



“but the deletion of a character which is one of the most popular just because you don't like getting beaten by players who use him.“


Im the one who needs to learn to read?



my biggest problem with pathfinder is not getting beaten by him..  where did i say that?

my biggest problem is that a defensive pathfinder is unchasable and unkillable.

unless im pathfinder myself.


and that his ult gives him the ability to camp places only counterable by another pathfinder.

Forcing me to retreat unless its in the last circle.

in wich case i get beaten by that BS yes. But that is rare.


I think that a zipline forcing me to retreat more Often then wattson and caustic who can be easily countered by granades. But  they are designed defensive characters.

but on top pathfinder can instantly turn into the best and fastest agressive legend in a maximum of 10s grapple cooldown.


while Gibraltar and bangalore their ults can force people out of hiding after a loooong cooldown.


so can a granade. Wich you can loot everywhere.

gibraltar killing 2 entire teams?

never seen that after 4K games in Total.


i can kill ever player in the match with a p2020 in theory, it does not make it a good gun. Because potential and how things work in practise are 2 different things.


that is also why high end en low end plagers have different opinions about what is OP.


Sorry if you compare grapple to Gibraltars ultimate and say grapple is fine.

then you are not playing apex on a level that understanding you have to run because there are big red Dots on the ground.


bronze players even know those dots are going to hurt.


while grapple saved more pathfinder lives and teammates because pathfinder is there faster then any other legend in the game. And gave more kills indirect then Gibraltars ult ever could.


every argument  and example about pathfinder i gave was a fact.

that i think hè is broken is the only opinion i write about him wich i also believe to be a fact.


And i would also want to stop arguing if I where in your position.


but im not trying to convince you pathfinder is broken. Im trying to convince everybody and especialy the developers.

and i think apex legends official forum is a better place to do that then reddit.


so i prefere you to keep this discussion going.

becouse you have not given 1 reason pathfinder is not broken that i cant claim to be false with arguments.


its easier to get to the truth of things in a discussion when you don’t see eye to eye with someone.


That is what the forums are about.


1000s of people saying the game is good as it is would not benefit anyone.



Message 31 of 36 (219 Views)

Re: Ranked is dumb and I called it

★★★★★ Guide

If i want to delete ever legend that i don’t like.
Only 25% would be left.

So thats another assumtion your making based on nothing but bad Reading.
Message 32 of 36 (217 Views)

Re: Ranked is dumb and I called it

★★★★★ Guide

@EA_Blueberry wrote:

@DaAceXD wrote:


Compare him to octane.

Pathfinder is better at everything then octane is.


Compare his Q, ult, and passive to octane and octane NEVER has the advantige.

If the both of them race the pathfinder will win easily on multisurface and even on a open field with the ground grapple launch without the loss of health.



No love for Bloodhound? Ever sine they added the tracking in real time that's made Bloodhound's ability to win 1v1 fights far greater. I personally would take that over Pathfinder or Octane's tacticals, but they all serve a specific purposes. The grapple is amazing when you're escaping enemies while the scan is for offensive reasons (or I guess you could make an argue for defense).

Since Season 2 launched we've so far seen positive feedback on where Pathfinder is now compared to Season 1. 


Patch Notes



  • Eye of the Allfather
    • Enemies scanned now are tracked in real time instead of leaving a ghost image behind. The tracking lasts for 1.5 seconds.
    • Increased the angle of the scan to 110 from 90.

The positieve feedback on pathfinder is on his hitbox.


im the one who created that topic or at least one of them that is on fire haha.


i love bloodhound hè is good and balanced now.

but his scan is only usable 10% of the situations.


where pathfinder grapple is usable 100% of the time.

and Being used to play cheesy and lame.


i compared him to octane becouse their Q and ult kinda do the same thing they provide movement. But pathfinder does it Waaaay better. While ocatane is a good addition. Pathfinder is unfair.


While i alreadu consider octane one of the best legends in the game. Pathfinder just maken him look bad.


if im going to compare him to bloodhound everybody Reading that plays to win would never pick bloodhound ever again. Tongue out

Message 33 of 36 (210 Views)

Re: Ranked is dumb and I called it

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro

@DaAceXDI made another thread in the legends feedback section where you can post these areas that only Pathfinder can get to and I'll either debunk what you're saying or discover some new areas.

The way you talk about Pathfinder mate, we should all be unkillable, uncatchable and sat in areas that no one else can get to, and yet : I lose plenty of games to other players who aren't playing Pathfinder.  How can this be?!?


I lose plenty of games not just to Pathfinders because, surprise surprise, this isn't a game about 1v1 and solo play.  Pathfinder adds to the game because he complements lots of different team compositions.  He was originally one of the least played legends before his first hitbox change - every FPS player who had been gaming for more than 5 minutes played Wraith.  Most of them still do.  You still do.  Is this out of nobility that you don't want to play an unfair, OP legend?  The developers haven't changed his abilities : so why are they suddenly OP?


If you're saying that your solution isn't to delete Pathfinder - what is it and why? 


Increasing the CD of his tactical doesn't change him being more mobile than most characters other than the ability to beat octane in a race across open ground, which takes PERFECT use of aiming the tactical rather than just pressing 1 button and getting a flat speed boost.  It doesn't stop him climbing on top of things.  Your stated issues and complaints are with the core design of the character.  So how should he be?  Please state exactly what Pathfinder's abilities and cooldowns should be.


I'm trying my absolute best to talk to you about this but what you're saying is so full of hyperbole it's hard.  You maintain that his ability is useful in all situations all the time, this is only as true as it is for any other mobility character?  You act as though it's a "press this win button" ability, but it requires you to be able to use it well.  Just like Wraiths invincibility and octanes speedbuff.  You say that the cooldown on his tactical is 10s, which is wrong.  You say that he can use his ult to get to places that only a pathfinder can follow - his ult is to put a zipline down that ANYONE can use...


I could take your way of talking about Pathfinder and apply it to LITERALLY any other legend to point out ways in which they're powerful.


Gibraltar's dome is useful in ALL situations ALL the time.  It can't be shot through.  This is OP because no one else can create an impenetrable barrier for their entire team.  He can put your entire team in a location where ONLY your team can even shoot.


Mirage is OP.   No one else can go 95% invisible and get the drop on people like him.  Mirage can enter a state that NO other legends can.  Because this difference is unique to him - he is OP, as everyone should have some kind of equivalent skill.


etc. etc.


I believe none of the above, but it takes exactly the same tone and logic of all of your complaints about Pathfinder.  You take the specific instances in which Pathfinder is good because he is designed to fill that particular role or benefit from that particular circumstance and then highlight other characters who can't, claiming that because he has a unique and specific use/aptitude: he's OP.


You don't mention anything about him fighting indoors, where his grapple is next to useless and his ult is 100% useless.  You talk about him ziplining over the plains with no cover as though it's a get out of jail free card from any fight.  I can promise : if that's true where you live - the players aren't as good as the ones I'm coming up against because I get shot.


What you're saying simply does not make sense in the context of the game I've played and I've played AS and AGAINST Pathfinders for far longer than most players.  If he was OP - I would be campaigning for him to be adjusted, just like I am and have been since forever with his ridiculous legendary skins.  I have no vested interest in Pathfinder being broken, because I fight AGAINST Pathfinders day in day out.


So - if you could please indulge me for a moment and just work under the assumption that I'm not trying to protect an advantage I have over you - You have not convinced me that Pathfinder is OP.  If you convince me, then I would take up your cause vocally.

Message 34 of 36 (207 Views)

Re: Ranked is dumb and I called it

★★★★★ Guide
@Anlbrd Stop denying that there are areas on the map only pathfinder can get to and yes others can get to these areas but at a slower pace and also by a jump tower which is completely bs , while in a pursuit by the time you’ve caught up to pathfinder he’s already healed up.
Message 35 of 36 (197 Views)

Re: Ranked is dumb and I called it

★★ Pro
@SethCurry Go to the other thread and put the areas that only Pathfinder can get to. You've said this before now and I've asked for the specific areas you're talking about and you've not given me any.
Message 36 of 36 (192 Views)